sherry tagged me to do this. i've never done one before. it got me thinking that's for sure.
Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. going to KC this weekend for a show and get together with friends
2. general assembly/orlando
3. visiting the older siblings in their parts of the country
4. going back to olathe for the friends and school, i suppose
5. graduating from college
6. starting a teaching job - who knows where
7. traveling to new, unique places
8. starting a family someday
Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Sunday School and Morning Service2. Home for lunch
3. online counseling for TEACH grant
4. made a latte
5. read a book
6. evening service
7. kaldi's coffeehouse for some green mint tea
8. read some more
Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. be able to run longer distances
2. pay for my school as i go without loans
3. take pictures more often
4. work in a coffee shop
5. be able to visit family more often
6. find bargains like Nana could
7. play the piano like Mom
8. be able to cook all the time
Eight Shows I Watch:
1. Today Show
2. The Office
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Amazing Wedding Cakes
5. What Not to Wear
6. Jimmy Fallon
7. Conan
8. SNL
thanks to summer nanny-ing. last three are hit and miss.
Eight Favorite Fruits:
1. honeycrisp apples
2. strawberries
3. watermelon
4. pineapple
5. grapefruit
6. peaches
7. bananas
8. acai berry/pomegranate
Eight Places to Visit:
1. Mount Vernon, Ohio - Family
2. Seattle/Olympia, Washington - Family
3. East Coast/ New Jersey - Family and for fun
4. Nashville/Franklin, Tennessee
5. Bakersfield, California (Don't remember much from when we moved. Fun to go back and see what it's like.)
6. Oregon
7. Colorado (any day)
8. Europe
Eight Places I've Lived:
1. Born in Bakersfield, CA
2. Emporia, KS
3. Independence, KS
4. Kirksville, MO
5. Columbia, MO
6. Olathe, KS
7. Seattle ? HA
8. Nashville ? HA
i tag nicole and beau/suzie. suzie, you could do one on bean's. :) and markli you just need to start a blog. or you could just comment your answers. something.