Friday, August 28, 2009
today's devotional in "my utmost for his highest" is very good. i have the updated edition of it, but it should be similar in the original. give it a read if you get the chance--"the purpose of prayer"--august 28th.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
school is in session as of today. it feels much more normal now. incredible what classes can do to your schedule. trying to figure out what books to get and where. don't want to think about the money i'll have to spend.
i've had some great days of just hanging out with all of my friends. it's been good. one more day of classes and then the weekend. ha. this year is going to go by so fast. that's great though.
still thinking about churches. need to visit this one and see what i think. it's such a process. ha '
that's about all for now. byeee
Monday, August 24, 2009
having a hard time coming up with titles these days.
i'm in my room, unpacked and settled. i still have to get used to it, but it feels pretty good.
sleeping in tomorrow. haven't done that in a while.
not much to update, but thought i should write a little something since we made the move.
Friday, August 21, 2009
post. got off work early today because they knew i was leaving tomorrow. but it was a surprise for me.

i just loved all of these photos. zeuz is the guard dog. :) he really was protective and the best dog ever really. he always made sure he knew where sophie and i were.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
i am taking apart my room and packing. i don't like this feeling. it's so plain in here.
i'm kind of not sure what to think about all of this right now. bittersweet.
i will most likely have my own room in the suite i'm living in. that will be great.
there is still so much change that will be happening this year. it's almost like freshman year all over again. it will be just fine though. i have no room to worry.
last night we watched the nooma video, "corner". it was very good. i love the music. i loved the people in it. just all of it. :) but i came to realize that i am not thankful enough for ALL that is in my life. i need to stop and think about it more often and make sure i thank Him for it ALL.
i can't wait for what's about to come. ready to get involved in a church. all sorts of things. excited, nervous, all of the above. pray that i'm listening to what God's plan is.
tomorrow is my last day with sophie. it's a little sad. i am going to take some photos tomorrow and i will post them. she had grown so much this summer. she was 4 months last week. yesterday she had a dr. appt. and she weighed 18 lbs. :) she's a chunk. she's very smiley. today i brought her back to the house because we were having sarah over for lunch. it was about time for a little nap and i ended up getting her to sleep by holding her and humming/singing to her. she calms down so much when you sing/hum to her. i loved it. but that was my first time ever doing that. i'm asked to just lay her down in her crib and then she falls asleep eventually. so i loved getting her to sleep like this. i will love being a mother, but i can definitely wait. i have come to that decision after this summer. it's really been a GREAT experience and wouldn't change it for anything. God knew what he was doing, that's for sure. life, in general, is so interesting to look and think about. well, that's what i've been thinking about lately. i'll be back tomorrow to post some photos.
peace yos
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i have a feeling this will be an interesting year.
several weeks ago i accepted a job.
today i found out i will only have that job for, a month. (they are moving.)
i guess that gives me time to look around for another job for the year. year, maybe?
you just never know what tomorrow will bring.
also, i might have found somewhere to live.
we'll see if i get the okay from the RE for this room.
this is all so ridiculous.
so i find these things out and then i think about it.
it keeps me from sleeping.
it's bad.
i really need to change this habit.
i feel just exhausted and i don't like it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
before last night i was not so excited about vbs. just kinda of eh, blah. why would or should i have that attitude? i realized i should be excited to serve God. here is one reason i was not so excited about it--for some reason our church has a class for the teens. markli and i kind of hid out until after things got started and tried to find places where we could work. so we found our calling. ha there were 21 pre-schoolers tonight. we are taking half the kids tomorrow night and we have mom helping us. sarah will also help out when she can make it. i am SO excited. i loved it tonight. i'm really looking forward to it. i'm making up the agenda. tomorrow i am going to teach the lesson/tell the story and markli and i will take turns with that.
well, just wanted to update on this week. i'll let you know how it goes.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
two weeks. work until the day before we leave. money is helpful.
markli got her macbook pro. yes. she did.
nyi convention this weekend. it was great. real good speaker.
i'm going to lead a small group this year for brady braatz. pretty excited about it.
please pray i have a decent roommate. ha. if i have one. i still have not heard either way.
i don't really care for anything bath and body works anymore.
i'm ready a good book. kristin billerbeck. just fun and fast reads. ha :)
for sunday school i am in a class that is reading "Praying God's Word". it's very good.
i feel like i'm forgetting something. i'll just post it later. peace yos.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i was tagged to do this on facebook, but i don't like to do these on facebook.
11:30. i now. but i rarely get to sleep in at all these days. i just kept turning over.
2. How do you like your steak?
eh. don't have it enough. not a big deal to me.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Proposal
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Food Network, some HGTV, some Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
mountains (colorado) or northwest (seattle)
6. What did you have for breakfast?
my breakfast/lunch was a banana blueberry and pecan muffin with an iced coffee.
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
mexican is up there, but italian is making it's way up there.
8. What foods do you dislike?
brussel sprouts, sour crout, water chestnuts, cooked spinach.
9. Favorite Places to Eat?
Macaroni Grill, Chipotle.
10. Favorite dressing?
raspberry vinaigrette, poppy-seed
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
honda accord
12. What are your favorite clothes?
currently: comfortable dresses
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
family in seattle and ohio.
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
um. half full. sounds more like you're getting somewhere and looking forward to something. empty doesn't sound as positive. ?
15. Where would you want to retire?
hopefully somewhere that i've lived and loved living. places i would retire are places where i'd hope to live earlier in life.
16. Favorite time of day?
don't know if i have one.
17. Where were you born?
bakersfield, california
18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
soccer or football ? if i were to watch any.
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
this is a facebook question.
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
facebook question
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
22. Bird watcher?
no, not really
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
like to wake up early because then i feel like i've accomplished more, but i like to stay up late too.
24. Do you have any pets?
not currently. don't plan on it for a while.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
um have a job for when i get back to olathe--in less than a month.
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
i think i thought about being a dentist at one time. i was real young though.
27. What is your best childhood memory?
the pink barbie corvette
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
29. Are you married?
30. Always wear your seat belt?
31. Been in a car accident?
A couple of fender benders/hood denters/window spiderers/rear-view mirror taker-offers. you know. NBD
32. Any pet peeves?
try not to have any.
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
meats, mushrooms, olives.
34. Favorite Flower?
orchids. i would take any color.
35. Favorite ice cream?
just ice cream
36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
yuck--but if i have to taco bell
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
38. From whom did you get your last email?
eh facebook.
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
don't have and don't want a credit card.
40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
bought a dress full price. from target. :)
41. Like your job?
42. Broccoli?
sure. i like it cooked better.
43. What was your favorite vacation?
seattle last december.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
45. What are you listening to right now?
46. What is your favorite color?
mmm i'm not really a favorites person i guess, but i like turquoise/green/blue colors.
47. How many tattoos do you have?
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
facebook question
49. What time did you finish this quiz?
50. Coffee Drinker?
uh, yes.
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