Saturday, January 30, 2010


post. i can't fall asleep tonight. there are many reasons why. i babysat darby tonight and after i knew she was asleep that must have put me at rest enough to fall asleep on the couch while watching some food network show. i was probably out for an hour. i am watching her in the morning as well. kreisa told me i could stay but i thought i'd better head back to campus. i wanted to work out and just be able to get ready in the morning from my dorm room. well, let me just say i will not be working out anymore. i'll be exhausted in the morning. when i got back to the dorms i saw our home church van in the parking lot with people getting out. i stopped by and they needed help getting to the rooms they were staying in. so i helped them out. after that i stopped by my friend's alyssa and kai's bedroom. they had just made coffee and asked if i wanted a cup. of course. i did. that is reason number 2 as to why i cannot fall asleep. then, we decided to go out and sled. it has been snowing most of today. not much has accumulated, but it was such fun. i hadn't been out in the snow like that in years. it was great. well worth getting cold and soaked. that is the 3rd reason.

the things i have been thinking about while i lay in bed:

1. i like a person a whole lot more when they have a huge passion for something. i just really respect that.

2. why do i always change my mind? why can't i set my mind on something and not question it anymore?

3. summer travels

4. beautiful scenery--mountains, fort collins, gardens, rainy places

5. dreaming about the future(life after college) is all.

those are just a few things.

this afternoon i went to border's with amber. we had some coffee and looked at magazines. it's such a great time. i used to do that with mrs. amanda magnuson. i think of her many times a day.

i need to catch up with many people. phone calls are overdue on my part.


Monday, January 25, 2010


here are just a couple scriptures i've been enjoying. also a little medley, if you will.

"But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Colossians 3:14-16 NKJV

"Christ...loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

Ephesians 5:25-27 KJV

"I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship You; O my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what you hear may it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear."

Sunday, January 24, 2010


so, i haven't been in much of a mood for shopping the past semester. well, i think it's back in my blood. it's good and bad. i find the best bargains and i don't buy anything but good bargains. today i had a date with target. i had a previous coupon from target that prints out sometimes after you check out. well, it was for 2 dollars off at the starbucks inside. well, i got a decaf sugar free caramel americano. i only had to pay 27 cents. this started my two hours of looking at the entire store. i found two picture frames. 4 dollars and 6 dollars. i also found a new reed scent deal for 4 dollars. saving it for when my apple spice runs out. the new scent is fresh laundry. should be good. i had a lovely afternoon.

i worked 24 hrs this week. it was crazy. that was the most i've ever worked while in school. it was okay but i was definitely tired. i just had to remember what my paycheck will look like. after work yesterday i hung out with amber then we went to Uchurch. after Uchurch i had some friends over to see my new room. YES, I HAVE MOVED OUT OF MY SUITE. i have my own little dorm room now. it was an open room and i went to talk to the RE about moving back to the dorms and she informed me of this room. i accepted the offer. ha. i love it.

i joined choir the semester. it's my first time to ever be in a school choir. always was apart of the church choir. it will be good and good for me. we got a new choir director, john leavitt. he is a composer from wichita area i believe. pretty incredible.

want to go home soon. i miss it. mom's good meals. i wish i could make my own. i actually am planning a meal with friends right now. tuesday night, i'm making dinner. they want grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables. i can do that. i'm excited. :)

i believe that is all i have to share today. have a great!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


i forgot to tell you about this magnet i got from a friend for christmas. she also made me an awesome scarf. but the magnet says this:

it does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise, trouble
or hard work. it means to be in
the midst of those things and still
be calm in your heart.

this is perfect for me right now. and it has been since the beginning of this year. i just wanted to share that real quick.


Monday, January 11, 2010


just thinking. about the future. this upcoming summer. life after college. it's great. they are all dreams though. quite wonderful. i hope they can happen similarly to what i have dreamt. crossing my fingers.

i rearranged my room today. i still have it to myself. we didn't get another person in our suite like we thought might happen. i am grateful. i love the new arrangement and i finally have time to enjoy it now. i had just rearranged it and then headed of to work this afternoon. now i am sitting in bed writing you all a little post.

i finished a good book recently. it's called The Red Tent. some may not like it but i found it very interesting.

today started the first day of classes. eh. not much excitement. everyone seems off here on campus. someone i talked to thought it might be the fact that some revert back to the person they used to be when they go home. i do think this happens, but i don't really think it happens to me. so it's a little hard for me to understand. it has been interesting start to the semester to say the least, but here we go. i have made my bedtime midnight for this semester. ha. and i believe i will be able to beat that by an hour tonight. i have an 8 o'clock on mwf. i had to work tonight as well, thus i am quite exhausted. i am trying to make my sleeping schedule very regular so i will be able to wake up in the mornings and actually feel rested.

i feel like i will get back into the swing of blogging, but i am also going to start writing letters so when that starts i'll probably stop blogging. i like the thought of writing letters. it seems like it is even easier that phone calls these days. the person i write to can write me back in the spare time. i'll just hope they will return me a letter of all that is going on in their life.

i am so thankful for the family i have. thankful for being able to be in school. thankful for a job, car to get there, and so much more.

i shall call it a day. goodnight or good-day to you.