Monday, May 25, 2009


this weekend was a nice one. seemed very productive. we started painting the guest bedroom on friday night. finally. then finished it on saturday. re-arranged some of the furniture. looks great. also put ceiling fans in the guest bed and my bedroom. very nice to have.

yesterday markli and i went to kirksville--of course after we went to first service and sunday school. it was good to go back. sure do miss those friends. we have to go back soon. we miss stacy moots a lot.

today we won't do much until tonight when we pick up papa and come back to cook out. mom and markli are still not up. it is 11. i woke up 9:30ish.

i get to wake up anywhere between 5:45 and 6AM for my first day of nanny-ing. i'll be going to bed early tonight and all other nights of the summer. probably best for me. maybe.

i've been listening to ingrid michaelson a bunch lately. i've always liked her but never had more than one or two songs. love her actually. today it's nice and cloudy, little rainy and this is great music for the day. i could have this a few more days this week.

this next weekend is markli's graduation. having the party friday night. we'll have lots to get ready throughout the week. can't wait. then we will have a little birthday bash on sunday with the family. can't wait. i requested homemade ice cream and just a homemade cake. this is a bit unusual because i always ask for an ice cream cake. i like more homemade things now-a-days.

welp. that's all. seeya

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