Sunday, February 7, 2010


are so powerful. i had coffee with a friend friday night and then an early dinner with another friend last night. after dinner yesterday my friend said, ''isn't it interesting how you feel like you have grown up in one conversation?" i said, "yeah, it's crazy. that's what happened to me last night." having coffee with that friend friday night helped me figure out so much about myself and that that is who i am. i think i always saw these 'traits' as things that i needed to change about myself. i didn't like them or thought they were not right because other people weren't that way. needless to say i have many things in common with this person and they had accepted themselves, i guess you could say. it was very encouraging. just now thinking about this again i have come to the conclusion i can't look to others for anything. no one except the Lord. when it is all said and done He is our source. i feel strongly that God uses others to speak to me. this is kind of confusing because it sounds like i'm going back and forth, but i hope you can understand. all this to say, it has been a great weekend of growing. maturing is endless. i can't even begin to think how different i will be in one month. days.


she was born yesterday 6:10pm. Madelyn Grace Carlson--she is precious. i can't wait to see more pictures of her until i get to see her. i know her mother and father are quite in love. :)

i hope everyone is having a lovely day.


1 comment:

Sherry said...

I'd say I pretty much love you the way you are and then some. I, hands down, have the greatest sisters. You are both going to be used in more ways than you know! Love you.