Monday, December 7, 2009
yesterday afternoon i went walking. it was great. although, right when i walked outside it started to sleet/rain. i still went though. it was such a nice long walk. i went through neighborhoods instead of the walking trail. i got to see all of the christmas lights for the last half our of my walk. this is my last week of classes--then finals. not sure how much i have to work yet before i go home but i hope not much. can't wait until everyone is here. (beau and suzie, you might as well come out. it will be worth it) :) that is all.
Friday, December 4, 2009
exhausted. i worked tonight and i just didn't have much energy. this week seemed like it happened all in one day. today. i gave a speech today. i had to dress up in business dress. it was kind of fun. i had a test and a quiz as well. this weekend i will do a little homework. tonight i am going to start a movie. mona lisa smile. i haven't seen it yet and the girls in my suite were watching it this afternoon. i don't want to fall asleep during the movie though. hope i can make it. i just want to relax. more tests coming up next week and then i start studying for finals. oh boy. halfway through the year. can't believe it. then break. i will be working some (just got a very nice paycheck) :) but i can't wait to go home. can't wait until sherry, luke and the kids come either! it will be grand. well, that was just a small update. hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
this week. monday and tuesday night worked. drove home tuesday night after work. wednesday, decorated in the interior of the house for christmas. thursday, helped make the big meal. delicious, as always, in the west household. then decorated the exterior of the house. had dessert. went to see the magic tree. then watched kate and leopold with markli. friday/today, printed off some family photos at walgreens. went to kaldi's coffeehouse and left from there to come back to olathe. had to work tonight. then i came back and cleaned the suite. trash and recycling were out of control. took care of those and the dishes, small things on the floor. it looks good now. i then decided i would have a late night extreme workout. as i was walking out. it was rather late. like late. it reminded me of a time that i loved. it was almost exactly a year ago. finals for first semester were done and i was headed off to seattle. amanda and westie were out in the parking lot waiting to take me to the airport. it was so early in the morning and there was snow on the ground. it was so peaceful. you know when the roads are covered and you don't hear any car sounds. it's so quiet, so great. i would like to enjoy another one of those moments. (wouldn't mind the flying out to seattle part either.) :) so i came back. showered. straightened my hair. (it's getting longer finally.) got my computer ready for blogging and then set up the television for watching a good movie. pride and prejudice. i can now enjoy it now that i have written new entry. it's getting to the good parts now.
welp, goodbye.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
just made some chicken enchiladas for some friends. i finally have it down. i love cooking. i have some time to relax now. i had something at 8 but it was canceled--which i'm kind of thankful for. i need to do some homework though. i'll be back home in a week. crazy. pretty ready to be home. relax. can't wait until christmas and having the family all here. :) can't wait, can't wait. now for some homework. or, maybe just some lounging and part of a movie. i never have any substantial to update on. sorry to the few who read it. ha
have a great!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
currently visiting the brother and sister-in-law. :) it's very nice. relaxing. visited a few places here and in columbus, ohio. campus is pretty large compared to mnu. some newer--very nice looking. i felt like i should blog but now i'm not sure what to blog about. i'm adjusting to my job. only got to work once this last week since we came here. next week i work 17 hrs again, i think. might have to change that to just two nights instead of three. i do like to have a social life. hahah. :) but really. i'm really loving the music artist, nathan phillips. his album, postcard, is lovely. you should check him out here.
the small group i am "leading" is going well. i'm missing it this week though. it's a great group. i hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as i am. i can be a leader in certain areas of life. it's interesting seeing which ones they are. it's also just interesting learning things about myself. sometimes from another person's view. haven't been planning ahead much lately. i'm not sure if that is a good or bad. i don't like planning ahead and then it not working out. so, i get my hopes up for nothing. i guess it's a good thing because i'm okay with not making plans. just take what comes along. i have the opportunity to go on a mission trip this summer. this one would be two weeks long in guatemala. there is a one week trip too; different time. i'm not sure about it all though. i'm going to be praying about it. always wonder what will come along in life.
it is quite late back home and even more so here. a whole hour more. not very tired and that will be bad for tomorrow. we are painting the nursery and i'll need energy. going to try to go to bed.
have a great.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
currently i am babysitting for my cousin. thinking about writing a paper real quick but i am rather tired. it's only 10:19pm and we have fall back tonight. don't know what is wrong with me. i'll get plenty of sleep.
i feel like i've been pretty busy lately, but i'm not sure if i really have been. this next week i work 17 hrs at It's A Grind. we'll see if i can handle that many hours a week.
i'm missing home. want to go but i have to be here for things on the weekend. we are soon going to ohio to see the brother and sister-in-law. two weeks i believe. that will be very nice.
it took me too long to write this post. i am just going to go to bed now. maybe i'll have more to update on next time.
love ya
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
i'm trying to get up at 7:30 every morning. if it's consistent it's easier for me to get up each morning. i was supposed to go in for training today, but she text me (ha) and said a lot of employees have been sick and so she has had to fill in for them. on top of that she has been sick too, i think. so, i will be going friday and also next wednesday and friday.
i sung in chapel yesterday and i am again tomorrow. i love it. so glad i have that opportunity.
nicole is letting me borrow this book to read. i love it. it's just a nice easy read. i feel better about myself when i read more. even if it's just for fun. i feel like it's just a healthier thing to do. then i don't spend as much time on the computer--but that means i don't get to talk to people as much on the chat thing. that's a negative.
i thought i had more to write about but i can't think of anything else. homecoming was last weekend and mom came for friday night and saturday. that was nice. i feel bad every time family comes because i'm so tired from the week and only want to do so much. just depends i guess.
my feet/half my leg fall asleep really fast. it's annoying. i'm going to read now. it's kind of rainy today and it's nice. i'll talk about something of better quality next time. adios.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
it seems as if winter came right in, but i'm okay with it. i got that pumpkin cheesecake diffuser at target the other day. our room smells of fall goodness. :) hah.
this weekend was nice. thursday afternoon i re-arranged my room and i love it. the break started out with a night in the suite with the girls i live with. they wanted to make a "fort" in the living room and watch movies under it. so, i helped construct the thing and watched one movie with them. it was fun. we watched curious case of benjamin buttons. it was a very good movie. friday, i had the interview with the coffee shop and it seemed to go well. she said she would call me monday or tuesday and let me know. but she was already talking about what the first step would be. learning the recipes. think that will be easy. markli and i went to the plaza yesterday and found a few bargains at gap. then we caught up with some family(grandma and grandpa at our cousin's new house). then we came back to my room and watched a movie under the fort. haven't done anything today except i did go on a long walk. it was refreshing. i need to get back in that routine, but again i need someone to go with me. thought about putting the living room back together but didn't want the roommates disappointed when they came back tonight. they said they wanted to keep it up all weekend. and jokingly "all year". haha :) that is what i did. laughed and smiled.
this week is homecoming week. i got nominated for sophomore princess. ha. we'll see what the results are later this week. don't have any assignments this week so that will be nice--especially with all of the homecoming events going on. maybe i'll start a job this week. i'm babysitting saturday night for the family that i interviewed with. (nice house and two very nice acuras in the garage--i might add. haha) the kids were pretty cute and reminded me of my neice and oldest nephew. :) i miss them. and all of my family.
hope everyone has a great week! adios. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
fall break is coming up tomorrow. i thought i was going to go to amber's this weekend, but a few babysitting jobs have come up. i also have an interview at It's A Grind Coffeehouse on friday. i have so many job possibilities coming up. today i had an interview with a family and they were great. i think they might just use me on weekends, which would be great. i have some decisions to make schedule-wise. it could get a little crazy, but this weekend should be nice and relaxing.
last weekend markli and i went home. it was absolutely great. i loved it. hope to go home soon.
i've been going to bed really early the past two nights and i am about to sign off for the night right now. night.
Friday, October 2, 2009
going home later today. can't wait. i have a history quiz and a speech then we will be on the road. can't wait. i'll be relaxing when i can. can't wait for amazing food. it's scout weekend so there is a girl sleeping on one of the couches in the living room. she seemed very nervous when she came in. only one other roommate and i were in the room when she brought her stuff up. she looked panicked. it was terrible. hope she is having fun. it's been a good week. i wish i could just socialize all the time. or that school came as easily as hanging out does. i have great plans for next weekend too. going to the rhoades' household in garnett, ks! :) goodnight.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
i love this time of year. it's the perfect temperature. it has the best smells of the year.
markli and i are going home this weekend. mainly to help mom with the neighborhood garage sale, but i can't wait for some good home cooked meals and just to be home. i've requested a few things. it will be nice.
i want to go the the cider mill soon. it's a corn maze and pumpkin patch type place. but they have amazing treats like hot cider and they might even have a breakfast in the mornings. it's only open on the weekends. i never went last year so i have to go this year.
figured some things out for my small group. excited for it to start. i'll make an update but sign ups aren't for another 10 days or so. the small groups don't start up until the 11 or 12th of october. it will be a few weeks.
can't believe this week it will be october. time is flying by.
i'm really in need of another job. i think i might have one watching two girls just two afternoons a week. i had an interview on thursday with them and i think she will be emailing me back. she seemed interested.
i watched darby yesterday morning. loved it. i actually stayed the night at her house because kreisa had to work yesterday morning and had to leave the house at 6:15. brady was gone with the school on a retreat. it was just easier to stay the night and wake up when darby got up than having to wake up and come over at 6am. their guest bed was incredible. also had a cute duvet cover. i asked where the comforter was from and it was from ikea. of course.
i spent the rest of yesterday and some of this early morning helping redo a room in land gym. it's going to be a coffee style hang out/study area. it looks good. there is also a small stage to have occasional shows. it looks great. i am done with my part, i think. (the small group i'm 'leading' will meet in this room.) yesterday was one full day. today i need to do some reading. i'm going to go start that now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
are somewhat keeping me awake. i am waking up early tomorrow though so maybe that will be the start of a good sleeping schedule--going to bed early.
thought i might as well write a blog since i'm awake. it has been an incredible day. our God is awesome. that says enough right there. we sang this song at the gathering tonight. just hit right home for me. it's called "Sweep Me Away" by Passion.
Suddenly I feel You holding me (4x)
Sweep me away (4x)
Suddenly I feel Your hand in mine (4x)
Suddenly I feel You leading me (4x)
Suddenly I feel Your heart in mine (4x)
Sweep me away (4x)
Suddenly I feel Your hand in mine (4x)
Suddenly I feel You leading me (4x)
Suddenly I feel Your heart in mine (4x)
i have been thinking about so much lately. things around me. the small group i'm going to be starting. how blessed i am. it seems like i've thought about just almost every area of life today. great times of reflection. that is all.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
by patsy clairmont
"Being touched by God's extravagant grace ignites something within us that causes others to notice. It's an interior glow that is like an exterior light in that it casts its influence in spite of the degree of darkness in which it finds itself--not only in spite of the darkness but also because of it. In the darkness the light becomes more attractive, more influential, more valuable, and more obvious."
just wanted to post that because it was so good. now i'm going to go watch The Holiday. all the girls are out tonight so it will be nice and quiet. :) i just did a little rearranging in the living room and i like it. today i went to the football game. it was a little warm--got just a little sun. went to dinner and had some ice cream, slice of banana bread and a cup of tea. then went and had some quality time with amber. love her and those times. we went to smoothie factory and i ended up getting a classic shake. ha. it had banana in it. it was so good. it's been a relaxing weekend so far. and. that's all.
peace yos
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
so it's been a few days. pick up where i left off. i sang in chapel and loved it. friday night there were soccer games. hung out after that. saturday at noon i left on small group leader retreat. came back sunday at noon. it was good. encouraging in many ways. sunday was a long day. tried a new church. didn't really care for it. today i felt the effects of minimal sleep--head ache. it is such a rare occasion for me to get a head ache. i will be off to sleep soon.
my raybans finally came in and they are being shipped here along with my gift card/money i won from my bank back home. pretty excited about that package arriving.
last friday i filled out an online application for she called back today to have an interview. it will be on thursday at 2:30pm at a good coffee shop. can't wait. i think they will use me for on call nannies since i have the one day i watch darby. it makes it a little difficult for scheduling purposes. but i love watching darby. wouldn't give that opportunity up for anything. i watch her tomorrow. cannot wait.
i think this week will be slow homework-wise. just reading for classes. that is fine with me.
here is a poem we had in our booklet at retreat. thought it was good and wanted to share it with you.
i stand by the door,
i neither go too far in, nor stay too far out, the door is the most important door in the world - it is the door through which men walk when they find God. there is no use my going way inside , and staying there, when so many are still outside and they, as much as i , crave to know where the door is. and all that so many ever find is only the wall where a door ought to be. they creep along the wall like blind men, with outstretched, groping hands. feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door, yet they never find stand by the door.
the most tremendous thing in the world is for men to find that door-the door to God. the most important thing any man can do is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands, and put it on the latch - the latch that only clicks and opens to the man's own touch. men die outside that door, as starving beggars die on cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter - die for want of what is within their grasp. they live, on the other side of it - live because they have not found it, nothing else matters compared to helping them find it, and open it, and walk in, and find i stand by the door.
there is another reason that i stand there. some people get part way in and become afraid lest God and the zeal of his house devour them; for God is so very great, and asks all of us. and these people feel a cosmic claustrophobia, and want to get out. "let me out!" they cry. somebody must be by the door to tell them that they are spoiled for thee old life, they have seen too much: once taste God, and nothing but God will do any more. somebody must be watching for the frightened who seek to sneak out just where they came in, to tell them how much better it is inside. the people too far in do not see how near these are to leaving - preoccupied with the wonder of it all. somebody must watch for those who have entered the door, but would like to run away. so for them, too, i stand by the door.
by samuel moore shoemaker
that is all for now. peace.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
just got a phone call from the babies mom i watched this summer. she was telling me how much they miss me and how thankful they were to have me this summer. about the trouble they've had with this daycare they started to take her to. i felt so bad for her and sophie. i hope they can find somewhere great and find people they trust. i was so blessed with watching sophie. it was such a great experience for me and wouldn't trade it for anything (except watching me niece and nephews). :) it was just an encouraging phone call.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
getting more focused on school. little less hangin' out. have good friends though, so i hope they'll understand. i mean school is the reason i am here, right? i will still be social, but not as much as i have been. i'm okay with it though. i know i have friends. i'm not lonely. i kind of need more alone time in my schedule anyway. ready to really get a good schedule in the works. be more responsible with my time.
had a good weekend. very busy though. ready for days to slow down and they will.
today the weather was perfect. cloudy, raining at times, and in 70's. it's getting me ready for the good smells of autumn. the next room air freshener i'm getting is called "pumpkin cheesecake". i saw it at target yesterday. it's smelled heavenly. i've been drinking more coffee lately too. always a good thing. :) i just love this time of year.
i love reading peoples blogs again. i think since it's not summer anymore it will get better. i hope.
i've been seeking a lot lately--for God's direction with things in life. i feel like i have most things figured out. i know what my major is. i know what i want to do when i graduate. i just don't know what to do until graduation time comes. i also have been learning things about myself. i will all my life, i assume. just very interesting to think about. i'm more at peace about things than i was yesterday--which is also interesting. circumstances change so fast.
i started watching darby today. she is so cute. unfortunately i will only be watching her once a week. i wish i could M-F. she was a little sad today when she realized i was putting her down for her nap and mommy and daddy weren't there to read to her. she was crying. she was just sad, not mad. i felt so bad for her but i tried to keep her mind off of it. i could tell she was tired so i just had to let her cry in bed for a couple minutes until she feel asleep. it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. she is a great cuddler though. i can't wait until next tuesday.
that is just a small synopses of what has been on my mind lately.
oh, tomorrow i'm singing in chapel with a band(worship), but a good one. i can't wait. we'll see how it goes.
Friday, September 4, 2009
three day weekend. cannot wait. so many things are planned and i can't wait to give you the update after it's all said and done. one thing does include me making dinner for some friends. pretty excited about that. my homework is pretty easy. i just need to stop doing it at the last minute possible. but it all works out. i'll post something in a few days. peace yos.
Friday, August 28, 2009
today's devotional in "my utmost for his highest" is very good. i have the updated edition of it, but it should be similar in the original. give it a read if you get the chance--"the purpose of prayer"--august 28th.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
school is in session as of today. it feels much more normal now. incredible what classes can do to your schedule. trying to figure out what books to get and where. don't want to think about the money i'll have to spend.
i've had some great days of just hanging out with all of my friends. it's been good. one more day of classes and then the weekend. ha. this year is going to go by so fast. that's great though.
still thinking about churches. need to visit this one and see what i think. it's such a process. ha '
that's about all for now. byeee
Monday, August 24, 2009
having a hard time coming up with titles these days.
i'm in my room, unpacked and settled. i still have to get used to it, but it feels pretty good.
sleeping in tomorrow. haven't done that in a while.
not much to update, but thought i should write a little something since we made the move.
Friday, August 21, 2009
post. got off work early today because they knew i was leaving tomorrow. but it was a surprise for me.

i just loved all of these photos. zeuz is the guard dog. :) he really was protective and the best dog ever really. he always made sure he knew where sophie and i were.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
i am taking apart my room and packing. i don't like this feeling. it's so plain in here.
i'm kind of not sure what to think about all of this right now. bittersweet.
i will most likely have my own room in the suite i'm living in. that will be great.
there is still so much change that will be happening this year. it's almost like freshman year all over again. it will be just fine though. i have no room to worry.
last night we watched the nooma video, "corner". it was very good. i love the music. i loved the people in it. just all of it. :) but i came to realize that i am not thankful enough for ALL that is in my life. i need to stop and think about it more often and make sure i thank Him for it ALL.
i can't wait for what's about to come. ready to get involved in a church. all sorts of things. excited, nervous, all of the above. pray that i'm listening to what God's plan is.
tomorrow is my last day with sophie. it's a little sad. i am going to take some photos tomorrow and i will post them. she had grown so much this summer. she was 4 months last week. yesterday she had a dr. appt. and she weighed 18 lbs. :) she's a chunk. she's very smiley. today i brought her back to the house because we were having sarah over for lunch. it was about time for a little nap and i ended up getting her to sleep by holding her and humming/singing to her. she calms down so much when you sing/hum to her. i loved it. but that was my first time ever doing that. i'm asked to just lay her down in her crib and then she falls asleep eventually. so i loved getting her to sleep like this. i will love being a mother, but i can definitely wait. i have come to that decision after this summer. it's really been a GREAT experience and wouldn't change it for anything. God knew what he was doing, that's for sure. life, in general, is so interesting to look and think about. well, that's what i've been thinking about lately. i'll be back tomorrow to post some photos.
peace yos
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i have a feeling this will be an interesting year.
several weeks ago i accepted a job.
today i found out i will only have that job for, a month. (they are moving.)
i guess that gives me time to look around for another job for the year. year, maybe?
you just never know what tomorrow will bring.
also, i might have found somewhere to live.
we'll see if i get the okay from the RE for this room.
this is all so ridiculous.
so i find these things out and then i think about it.
it keeps me from sleeping.
it's bad.
i really need to change this habit.
i feel just exhausted and i don't like it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
before last night i was not so excited about vbs. just kinda of eh, blah. why would or should i have that attitude? i realized i should be excited to serve God. here is one reason i was not so excited about it--for some reason our church has a class for the teens. markli and i kind of hid out until after things got started and tried to find places where we could work. so we found our calling. ha there were 21 pre-schoolers tonight. we are taking half the kids tomorrow night and we have mom helping us. sarah will also help out when she can make it. i am SO excited. i loved it tonight. i'm really looking forward to it. i'm making up the agenda. tomorrow i am going to teach the lesson/tell the story and markli and i will take turns with that.
well, just wanted to update on this week. i'll let you know how it goes.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
two weeks. work until the day before we leave. money is helpful.
markli got her macbook pro. yes. she did.
nyi convention this weekend. it was great. real good speaker.
i'm going to lead a small group this year for brady braatz. pretty excited about it.
please pray i have a decent roommate. ha. if i have one. i still have not heard either way.
i don't really care for anything bath and body works anymore.
i'm ready a good book. kristin billerbeck. just fun and fast reads. ha :)
for sunday school i am in a class that is reading "Praying God's Word". it's very good.
i feel like i'm forgetting something. i'll just post it later. peace yos.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i was tagged to do this on facebook, but i don't like to do these on facebook.
11:30. i now. but i rarely get to sleep in at all these days. i just kept turning over.
2. How do you like your steak?
eh. don't have it enough. not a big deal to me.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Proposal
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Food Network, some HGTV, some Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
mountains (colorado) or northwest (seattle)
6. What did you have for breakfast?
my breakfast/lunch was a banana blueberry and pecan muffin with an iced coffee.
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
mexican is up there, but italian is making it's way up there.
8. What foods do you dislike?
brussel sprouts, sour crout, water chestnuts, cooked spinach.
9. Favorite Places to Eat?
Macaroni Grill, Chipotle.
10. Favorite dressing?
raspberry vinaigrette, poppy-seed
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
honda accord
12. What are your favorite clothes?
currently: comfortable dresses
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
family in seattle and ohio.
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
um. half full. sounds more like you're getting somewhere and looking forward to something. empty doesn't sound as positive. ?
15. Where would you want to retire?
hopefully somewhere that i've lived and loved living. places i would retire are places where i'd hope to live earlier in life.
16. Favorite time of day?
don't know if i have one.
17. Where were you born?
bakersfield, california
18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
soccer or football ? if i were to watch any.
19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
this is a facebook question.
20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
facebook question
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?
22. Bird watcher?
no, not really
23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
like to wake up early because then i feel like i've accomplished more, but i like to stay up late too.
24. Do you have any pets?
not currently. don't plan on it for a while.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
um have a job for when i get back to olathe--in less than a month.
26. What did you want to be when you were little?
i think i thought about being a dentist at one time. i was real young though.
27. What is your best childhood memory?
the pink barbie corvette
28. Are you a cat or dog person?
29. Are you married?
30. Always wear your seat belt?
31. Been in a car accident?
A couple of fender benders/hood denters/window spiderers/rear-view mirror taker-offers. you know. NBD
32. Any pet peeves?
try not to have any.
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
meats, mushrooms, olives.
34. Favorite Flower?
orchids. i would take any color.
35. Favorite ice cream?
just ice cream
36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
yuck--but if i have to taco bell
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
38. From whom did you get your last email?
eh facebook.
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
don't have and don't want a credit card.
40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
bought a dress full price. from target. :)
41. Like your job?
42. Broccoli?
sure. i like it cooked better.
43. What was your favorite vacation?
seattle last december.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
45. What are you listening to right now?
46. What is your favorite color?
mmm i'm not really a favorites person i guess, but i like turquoise/green/blue colors.
47. How many tattoos do you have?
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
facebook question
49. What time did you finish this quiz?
50. Coffee Drinker?
uh, yes.
Friday, July 31, 2009
it's been a while and a lot has happened.
so nicole came last weekend. it was so fun. paper route show friday night then symphony saturday night. and lots in between.
tuesday evening left for olathe. i was asked to be apart of an MNU viewbook. i guess they are writing a little story about me and then some photos to go along with the story. so i'm painting in mine because i talked about the mission trip i went on during spring break. i painted the majority of the time on the mission trip. we'll see how it turns out. i drove back last night.
this weekend is just going to be a great time to just relax. tomorrow night there is some type of dinner downtown in association with the farmer's market and markli and i are going with a friend. should be fun. i guess there is also a movie following the dinner. dinner and a movie, you know?
these last few weeks are going to fly by.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
nicole is coming this weekend!! we are going to a paper route show here in columbia. it will be my first show here. should be sweet. mom dinner all planned out for friday. it will be delish. chicken enchiladas, some vegetable, good salad, and special desert. so very excited. josh might meet us for the show too. and maybe dinner. it will be grand.
tonight we drove just thirty minutes away to the closest tj maxx. it's in jefferson city. i found some stuff for my bedroom. i had been wanting to change the colors--but i saw these two pillows that were last years theme so i decided to stick with those colors. the only reason i was going to change is because i like how my room looks now and i wouldn't mind it staying decorated like this when i come home. so the pillows are the sweet feather kind but decorative. then i found a rug. it's huge. has all of the colors and a few more. i also found a few pieces of clothing. good finds.
just wish i knew where and who i was living with in a month. i mean, NBD, right?
i have always loved these lyrics in coldplay's strawberry swing--"people movin' all the time, inside a perfectly straight line. don't you wanna just curve away? when it's such, it's such a perfect day."
sophie is getting pretty funny. she fake cries. yes, i believe she already knows about that. and she just has funny reactions to things that make me laugh. and she is big time grinning now. it's great. i think i'll be watching her until the day before moving day. AND i already have a job when i get back. i will be watching taylor johnson's sister's baby, charlotte. she was finally called back to work earlier this summer and asked me last week if i'd be interested in watching her m-f 2-5:30. i accepted.
peace yos
Sunday, July 12, 2009
today was a great day. so was yesterday actually. lets start out with friday night.
friday night: drove to olathe for markli's SOAR at MNU. i hung out with janelle and then we went to a queen's club show. it was a good'n. then we went to steak n shake after that. it was delish. then i stayed the night at janelle's.
saturday: woke up. nicole picked me up. we drove to downtown KC to city market. she bought a couple things but we also ate brunch-meal at succotash. it was good. had this omelet that had ham, brie cheese, spinach and mushrooms. then we went to lollicup to get tea after. so get back to janelle's. gather my things (except i left my shampoo and conditioner). then markli and mom came to pick me up. we went over to our cousin geoff's house. he and his wife and daughter just had a baby boy, morrison. he was so cute. tiny. got to hold him for a bit. think i'll be doing some baby-sitting for them this year like i did last. :) then we drove home. markli and i had a night planned with sarah for markli's birthday. it was fun. first we met at chipotle for dinner. then went to see "away we go" at the sweet ragtag theater. (movie was decent, but had some inappropriateness in it. too bad.) afterwards we went to a unique ice cream place downtown. all of this was downtown. guaranteed fun time. then we called it a night.
sunday: worship team practice. sunday school. worship service. all were things i needed. all had very similar messages. it was just so good. definitely felt His presence there. after church we had the new and old church board members and family over for lunch. that was a lot of fun too. then we had the afternoon to get rested up for another party. markli had some teens over for a party after tonight's service. also good time. i was exhausted when i got back from taking papa back to his place. some people were still here. i just didn't care to entertain anymore. so, i went and got ready for bed.
it's been a great weekend.
YOU have a good week!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
today it is so nice and cool out. it's like maybe in the 70's and overcast. great weather for an uneventful sunday afternoon. jon foreman has been the choice of the day.

i am ready to get back to "work". ready for that schedule again. it's almost caught me by surprise how much i want that consistency again. i am a person to go with the flow and just do whatever, but being gone for this long and no work has gotten to me. i imagine sophie has grown a lot. can't wait to see her tomorrow.
i also wouldn't mind figuring out my living situation for this year and just move in. i'm ready to have friends close again. i'm also excited markli will be coming this year. i think we're finally past that "get on each other's nerves" period--or we know when to stop and do something different. it's been good this summer. we've had some great laughs and will never stop that. :) i think she'll really enjoy college and dorm life and new friends.
looks like i won't be able to afford traveling anywhere else this summer. bums me out, but i'll get to it as soon as i can. in the process of fixing my car and catching back up on some other expenses. not having a job the past few months of school really did me in. but i'll be caught up again by the end of the summer. thank goodness.
i want to be better at keeping in contact with friends i don't see everyday. i'm terrible when it comes to that. i need to get back in an exercising routine. i need to get focused. enough said.
p.s. this is my background on my computer. it was a twitpic from coldplay. love it

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
yesterday markli and i spent most of the day at the condo reading. it was good. it's been raining for the past two days on and off, but cloudy all day. it's great.
today we spent the afternoon at the regal movie theater just up the street. we were only planning on seeing "My Sister's Keeper", but once we got out "The Proposal" was starting in 15 mins. we decided to go. first movie was sad but good. now i have to read the book. the second movie was a good one to follow with. some good laughs. most of the movie took place in alaska. it made me want to live there. it's so beautiful. (mom, you didn't read that.)
sitting in general assembly right now. two generals have been elected thus far. i believe david graves is in the lead for 3rd. i imagine he'll be the third, but there are two other opponents. not sure where they stand though.
our flight out of orlando airport is 5:30AM tomorrow. it will be a short night. but good to be home. hope it's not so hot when we get back. we want to see "Away We Go" once we get back with sarah. it is at this smaller theater in downtown columbia. can't wait to see it.
read a book yesterday that didn't end like i thought it would/wanted it to. weird when that happens because usually i like what the characters choose.
i'm sure updates will come through twitter and a blog once we get home.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
schwell, it's florida. nothing really to write about. went to disney. i went with a friend, amanda. she had two free passes. that's why. the only reason i would ever go back is if i could afford it with my kids and if i wanted to take on the challenge. i'll say i really enjoyed the fireworks at the very end of the night. well, that wasn't even then end. i think the park closes at 1 or something crazy like that. i was dying. well, my feet, rather. i was even wearing tennis shoes. it was weird. i haven't been that worn out in, i can't even remember.
it's been good getting to see people and being with family has been great. wish everyone could have been here. lets plan on the next GA?
watching some show all about MJ right now. not tired tonight. not sure how that is possible after the extra long day yesterday. might do some reading. haven't done much of that this vacation. before we came i thought about what i would do each day--i would eat breakfast. wait a little bit to go work out. then go swim, shower, get ready for convention time. ha that hasn't happened once. i haven't even seen the pool. which is okay. might be nice to have one visit before the trip is over, but don't mind if i doesn't happen.
maresa west, good day!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
not finished packing, but putting everything in piles. flight 5:30PM tomorrow for orlando florida.
had a good time in iowa even though it was for the funeral. they've done quite a bit of work to the ol' farm house. painted, new carpet. lookin' and feelin' much better. all of the cousins were there. geoff, one of the cousins, has a daughter layla and then expecting a baby boy in 2 weeks. his name will be morrison. i like it. anyway, i babysat her a few times this last semester and loved it when we walked in the house the other night and she was so excited to see me and remembered my name. she's so cute and getting so big. think we might try and make it up to the hospital when renee has the baby.
today i mowed the yard. after i was done and came inside i came so close to passing out. hahah! the only other time that has happened was when i gave blood. it was weird. i just decided to lay down before i laid down unconsciously. think i got dehydrated. i should drink more water--all the time.
no church tonight because of father's day. we went to kaldi's for some coffee/tea with sarah to visit. haven't been able to go to coffee with her in a while and we'll be gone for two weeks so we thought we should go. mango banana smoothie is what i got. delish.
so tired. goodnight.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
so tonight at church during a nooma video i was daydreaming. as much as i like those videos i always have to make myself focus. that's a problem with many things though. this time it was a continuation of a previous daydreaming moment. the last time it was kind of a joint effort with mom, but one i've thought about several times since then. haha so here it goes...
i guess it was about a year ago mom and i were out garage sale-ing for dorm room furniture. we were successful and had just gone to get the suburban to pick up our bargains. somehow we got started on the topic of what i would do in life. like i'll graduate with my bachelors in elementary education and start right in on the job. i also added i'd like to work/manage in a coffee shop during the summers to keep myself busy. then mom added in i would be a worship leader on the weekends. (not sure about that yet.) i said "well, i'm not sure about worship leader, but probably worship team member".
so that was mainly the dream that day. since then, throughout this school year i have added more to it. i would like help run the coffee shop and work there in the evenings after my school days were done. imagining myself still single at this point because i, right NOW, don't mind being single and wouldn't mind to still be for a couple more years--but, who knows. so, anyways i would of course live in the loft about the coffee shop. i mean, right? :) it might sound like this is just a lot of working, but i enjoy this atmosphere and i'm sure i'd have time off. plus, i will have college loans to start paying off and need money for saving. i just thought this was the greatest addition. and then who knows what i would do when i got married.
well, tonight i've added more. so i think after a year or so out of college and not being married, living with a girl friend(nicole), or siblings would be grand. maybe i'd be married after a year or two. haha so then this great opportunity would come up. someone would need US to like take over the coffee shop, they still owned it but needed someone to completely take over because they couldn't anymore. (for unknown reasons). ha. we would live upstairs in the loft and i would teach. he could run the coffee shop during the day (act like the owner) and it could be like a ministry for us. i'm not saying he has to be a pastor of some type, but it could just be our ministry for however long. i would come back at night. i say this like i wouldn't need time to rest, but hopefully it would be a low-stress/relaxing place and i could work on lesson plans and grade papers and help out when needed. we could offer small group type things on certain week nights or during the day--one on one studies/disciple talks(classes) too possibly. maybe even join with a local church to have services on sunday mornings.
welp, THE END, for now. haha
this seems like a movie it's so perfect. sometimes i don't like when i daydream about things because they never happen like they went in the dream. this dream could be an idea for a good NON-cheesy christian film. haha but wouldn't it be awesome for this to actually happen. it would just take the perfect events and people to take place. how simple would that be? ha! well, we'll see where God takes me.
adios amigos
p.s. hope you got a few good laughs during this daydreaming explanation. :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
great weekend in olathe. got to see so many friends. went to two shows. hang outs every night. sunday morning heard bean sing a offertory special. it was very good. i haven't heard him just sing in so long. (nice work bean!) then headed home at about 11:30.
i am getting quite attached to miss sophie and what do you know i'm gone for the next two weeks. it will be in humid hot orlando florida. i plan on getting a tan but with sunscreen. tonight markli and i made a wal-mart run for some face-wash and she needed toothpaste. mom needed creamer for her coffee. anyways, we passed the sunscreen. we don't have much, if any at home. and if we do it's old. (i don't know if age has anything to do with quality but didn't think it would hurt to get new. :) ) so we got some good aveeno face sunscreen with 70 spf. haha yes 70! i don't like a burnt face--it's the worst kind of burn. and then we just got some banana boat 30 spf. i just would rather slowly get a tan and i have two weeks to get one. i am still in need of new suit. mine right now looks like a life-guarding one but it's nike.
so the dog had to be put down on friday. i must say i was okay with it all. she seemed in pain quite a bit--if not all the time. it is weird though because over the years i became so used to her routine or just how she walked around the house. like every-time i closed the door behind me angel (dog) came in right behind me so i had to turn around and close the door again. i've caught myself a couple times doing that. OR, if i lay down on the floor she would always come over and see what i was doing. just those kinds of things. it's weird but a good thing. she was getting pretty bad.
today my great grandpa died. he was nearing 100, i think. he lived a great life. he was quite the farmer back in the day. he was also ready to go though. he was just holding on by the meds the doctors gave him. his funeral is saturday.
going to do some major reading tomorrow cause the book is due monday (the day we leave for general assembly). it's a huge book. then i need to go to the library for more books to read over the next two weeks. i just hope i'll be able to enjoy all of the relaxation time down there. and that i'll have enough to do otherwise. i know there are going to be several friends down there from everywhere. family will also be there.
i think i need chipotle some day for lunch this week.
alright, peace
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
it's been rainy and stormy several days this week and i am loving it--especially since i am inside all day. it's great and i wouldn't mind it like this everyday.
i've held up to my "no more chips and pop" this week and it will last the rest of this week. i just feel healthier and i like that.
just bought some new music. i don't want to share/"borrow" music much anymore. got some new ingrid michaelson, landon pigg, and the new ben folds and regina spektor song. giving it all a listen. liking it all.
going to olathe friday night. it will be a good but short visit and i have many people to visit.
haven't read much this week as of yet. i kind of go in spurts i guess. i started the newest of jodi picoult the other day. it's very good but sad. i just haven't opened it since then. maybe tomorrow.
in this new sunday school class and we are reading/discussing Praying God's Word by Beth Moore. seems to be very good and can't to really get into it.
gotta go switch some laundry so i have clothes this weekend. bye
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
sherry tagged me to do this. i've never done one before. it got me thinking that's for sure.
1. going to KC this weekend for a show and get together with friends
2. general assembly/orlando
3. visiting the older siblings in their parts of the country
4. going back to olathe for the friends and school, i suppose
5. graduating from college
6. starting a teaching job - who knows where
7. traveling to new, unique places
8. starting a family someday
Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Sunday School and Morning Service
2. Home for lunch
3. online counseling for TEACH grant
4. made a latte
5. read a book
6. evening service
7. kaldi's coffeehouse for some green mint tea
8. read some more
Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. be able to run longer distances
2. pay for my school as i go without loans
3. take pictures more often
4. work in a coffee shop
5. be able to visit family more often
6. find bargains like Nana could
7. play the piano like Mom
8. be able to cook all the time
Eight Shows I Watch:
1. Today Show
Eight Shows I Watch:
1. Today Show
2. The Office
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Amazing Wedding Cakes
5. What Not to Wear
6. Jimmy Fallon
7. Conan
8. SNL
thanks to summer nanny-ing. last three are hit and miss.
Eight Favorite Fruits:
1. honeycrisp apples
2. strawberries
3. watermelon
4. pineapple
5. grapefruit
6. peaches
7. bananas
8. acai berry/pomegranate
Eight Places to Visit:
1. Mount Vernon, Ohio - Family
2. Seattle/Olympia, Washington - Family
3. East Coast/ New Jersey - Family and for fun
4. Nashville/Franklin, Tennessee
5. Bakersfield, California (Don't remember much from when we moved. Fun to go back and see what it's like.)
6. Oregon
7. Colorado (any day)
8. Europe
Eight Places I've Lived:
1. Born in Bakersfield, CA
2. Emporia, KS
3. Independence, KS
4. Kirksville, MO
5. Columbia, MO
6. Olathe, KS
7. Seattle ? HA
8. Nashville ? HA
i tag nicole and beau/suzie. suzie, you could do one on bean's. :) and markli you just need to start a blog. or you could just comment your answers. something.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
wearing my new glasses right now. love them. i'll post a phot later i suppose.
watched new in town tonight. it was good. movies i'm looking forward to - the proposal and my sister's keeper. those will both be available to go see in theater during general assembly so i will be seeing them then with all of my free time. also, one that will be out a long time from now, the baster, has jennifer aniston and i think i want to see it. won't be out until 2010.
i've been reading several books lately and i really like the author kristin billerbeck. i can read her books so fast. i just started another jodi picoult book today though. it's called handle with care. it's her newest. really good so far and i'm maybe 30 pages into it. just hope it's this good all the way through. it's kind of sad though. my favorite of picoult's is still harvesting the heart.
think we are going to do some shopping tomorrow. go to tjmaxx and such but we have to drive to jefferson city for that. gap has been a good one for me lately. also check out the old navy there--it seems to have a bit of a different inventory than ours.
just realized general assembly really isn't that far away. just 2 more weeks.
so when i nanny every day i go over to their house. this is great for them, and i like it too. they have to good tv channels. ha :) we have the most basic of basic at our house--which is fine, but when i'm in a house all day the tv is bound to be on. they also don't have the healthiest of food. like no fruit, always have chips, just eat sandwiches most of the time with white wheat bread (which is makes no sense), and pop. i've decided i will not have any more chips after this week. we've never had more than tortilla chips at home. these ones are jalapeno doritos and regular doritos. this week they also got pringles. of course i had to try the jalapeno doritos. that's all i've tried and they are quite good not really that hot though. so they have diet coke. i don't like drinking that much pop. think i'll just have one a week, if that. i guess this was my paragraph for me to think out loud as i was typing. sorry. i'll go now. have a good weekend if i don't think of something else to share with you.
peace yos
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
weekend was great. everyone together. loved it.
work has been going great. she is a great baby. on fusses when she is hungry.
have to go to bed earlier. hard to get that part down--obviously. although, i get to take small naps whenever during the day, but i'd rather not so i can get real good sleep at night (when i'm supposed to). what a novel idea.
still reading. the last jodi picoult book i read was weird though, but decent.
not going to springfield this weekend like i thought. my friend, jourdain, ended up having to work every day this weekend. so it's postponed to i'm not sure when. hopefully soon though--i was so excited to go.
summer is going fast. not sure how i feel about this.
seems like i have more to tell but not sure what that would be anymore.
SEEya, 'til next time.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
this week is going by so fast and there is work to do during the day and something to do every night this week. it's great. getting ready for the weekend always helps time pass. can't wait for bean and suzie to get here thursday night.
started watching the baby today. loved it. every bit. she eats about every 2 1/2 or 3 hours. so i change her diaper sometime around then and then she goes right back to sleep most of the time. i get to watch tv or read. we went on a short walk today too. i'm sure i'll be going on many more of those. they have good tv too. so i have a few shows lined up to watch. :) i'm just a part of the family now and it'll be a lot of fun.
i have to start getting tired sooner because these are early mornings. i need to be tired and asleep by 10. that would be best. i'm sure it will all change after i have one week down.
Monday, May 25, 2009
this weekend was a nice one. seemed very productive. we started painting the guest bedroom on friday night. finally. then finished it on saturday. re-arranged some of the furniture. looks great. also put ceiling fans in the guest bed and my bedroom. very nice to have.
yesterday markli and i went to kirksville--of course after we went to first service and sunday school. it was good to go back. sure do miss those friends. we have to go back soon. we miss stacy moots a lot.
today we won't do much until tonight when we pick up papa and come back to cook out. mom and markli are still not up. it is 11. i woke up 9:30ish.
i get to wake up anywhere between 5:45 and 6AM for my first day of nanny-ing. i'll be going to bed early tonight and all other nights of the summer. probably best for me. maybe.
i've been listening to ingrid michaelson a bunch lately. i've always liked her but never had more than one or two songs. love her actually. today it's nice and cloudy, little rainy and this is great music for the day. i could have this a few more days this week.
this next weekend is markli's graduation. having the party friday night. we'll have lots to get ready throughout the week. can't wait. then we will have a little birthday bash on sunday with the family. can't wait. i requested homemade ice cream and just a homemade cake. this is a bit unusual because i always ask for an ice cream cake. i like more homemade things now-a-days.
welp. that's all. seeya
Thursday, May 21, 2009
it has gotten so hot this week. it's nice. getting some sun is nice too, but i wouldn't mind a day or two of cooler weather. preferably cloudy, rainy days.
monday: babysat
tuesday: i can't even remember what i did
wednesday: mid-afternoon went to kaldi's for some amazing mint green tea and read a book. evening church. then downtown--summerfest. they had willie nelson there last night. got this really good caramel milk tea then. afterwards went over to sarah's; had a great chat.
thursday: made sure my curtains were closed last night so the sun wouldn't wake me up in the morning. the family does a great enough job waking me up. :) but i was used to waking up early for the two weeks of babysitting. (i have job information i forgot to tell you. in another paragraph though.) so i woke up today about 9:40. made myself some eggs and toast. then got ready. took my car in for an oil change. went to starbucks in the mean time for some coffee and tea. the wait was an hour and a half so i read away in the sweet orange startbuck's chair. came home cleaned up the kitchen. now not much to do. might watch a couple shows online.
tomorrow: might be going over to the house where i'll be nannying this summer to become familiar with it. if not then, on monday. not sure what else tomorrow will bring.
saturday: not sure
sunday: going to kirksville for some graduation parties and see friends.
so, job information. my hours will be from 6:45 to i'm not sure how long. i imagine 4 or 5. i'll have to be there at 6:40 though so they can leave by 6:45. so i'll leave the house at 6:30. it will be good for me to get up early. i'll feel like i've accomplished much more even if i haven't. i'll start next tuesday since monday is memorial day. can't wait for a routine to be put in place. this week has had enough free time for me.
can't think of anything else to inform you of. oh wait. i'm getting new glasses. :) but that's it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
well, it's been a blessed nazarene sunday. mom had us sing for offertory. then there was a potluck following the service. then tonight was missions night. we also had an ice cream social afterwards.
so i was kidding about being done babysitting the twin boys. i have one more day. we shall find more things to do.
the week after this next one i start my job as a nanny. her name is sophie. she is a little over a month old. can't wait. still wouldn't mind an evening job for a little extra cash. lets hope a coffee place calls soon.
going to general assembly for sure. listen to this--we are flying. this is like a monumental decision right here. we never fly anywhere. must say i can't wait.
might go to kirksville this week for a day and night. i have a couple warts again that need some attention. gross, i know. very annoying as well. but it will be good to see some people too. hope it all works out.
oh. coldplay has a free download. it's called LeftRightLeftRightLeft. it's a live album. i love it. you should get it and listen to it. GO HERE!
'bout it for tonight. you all should think about blogging again. i mean, i like to read--and i have extra time this week. so really, just feel free to type away about your interesting lives.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
this could be a long post. just a heads up.
today i: went to babysit. turned right back around with the boys towards my house. good thing there was something happening today. dad was pouring concrete at 10am. so, we brought some toys out on the deck until 10am rolled around. they loved watching. which was so great. if only they would learn to listen the first time around--in general. these twin boys turned 3 today.
took a glorious nap today. should have gone walking but didn't get to that. it was so windy today--especially during the convenient times to walk. so i thought i'd call it an early night. i was tired at 8:30 i think. tomorrow i will. just makes me feel better. i should probably get a short run in as well.
tonight i went with mom to run some errands. i think she likes that i am home to go with her. dad and markli were at the church board meeting. markli never goes to the store with mom though. not sure if dad ever does, but he's usually busy at church. when i was still in hs i would go by myself. i just kind of enjoy it for some reason. but when i was in walmart i was thinking about how nice it would be to just go to small grocery stores and my mind went to this one in colorado. i went with sherry one time and i think it was when they were at gb (golden bell-camp). so it was in divide, co. but then i thought about the one sherry goes to in washington. sheesh. i just want to live in sick places like that with just such a different feel. someday, someday. it really is okay here in the midwest. but just okay. also in the store i was thinking about how it would be nice to just never be in a hurry--time would just be an easy pace. our cashier was just in a bit of a hurry to get done with us and on to the next customer. i think no matter what, hurrying is always a degree of rudeness. like driving. pretty much in every way. we are just less personable and rude when we are trying to hurry - we don't even know we are.
home is good. love how my room is set up. when i'm home though, i feel like i do things just a little bit differently. like, i cleaned out the fridge and put things back differently. i imagine re-arranging things. i found myself sitting in the living room last week imagining how i think the living room would look best. haha. oh gosh. i guess i just like how i do things. it just makes more sense to me. i think this is mainly just at home. like i wouldn't walk into someone's house and start thinking that. it's just "my territory"--i guess you could say, so i think of how i think it works best. a good and bad thing to do/have/think.
i think i have too much time on my hands. as you can tell. blogging almost everyday. i'm going to try and find more things to do after this week of babysitting. and fill my afternoons up during this week. i'll do this until i get a job or two. not sure what i'll fill this time with BUT if you have any ideas fill me in.
sincerely all--
have a good day :)
Monday, May 11, 2009
today is kind of a long day. can't wait for someone to get home so we can hopefully go do something. i'm still baby-sitting these twin boys. done after this week though. not sure what will come after that. i called the lady up the street about the pre-school and she said that they would need a sub pretty frequently this summer. she asked if i'd be available for the summer and i said yes. so she said she'd put me at the top of the list to call. she didn't say how often though. so i just hope i get an evening job. even if it is substituting every other week--that would be great.
i've decided to go to general assembly. i really am pretty excited about it. so far it looks like i won't be watching the newborn for the summer. that was a possibility but they haven't called back yet. which is probably best so i can go to general assembly.
so tired of the computer right now. and tv--unless we had food network or hgtv or tlc. we don't have those so i just don't watch it. whew. have to go do something else. peace.
Friday, May 8, 2009
i changed my profile picture to this today. i love it. we need more pictures like this--that's for sure.

that 'tis all. have a blessed day.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
currently i am baby-sitting at my house. we'll see how this goes. our house isn't very child friendly and the dog is not a child loving one either. thus we are watching the incredibles.
i have a few job ideas but nothing is final. hope that comes soon though.
i'm reading a jodi picoult book. i didn't end up ever finishing the last one is started. it's, the tenth circle. the other day i went to see a movie and there was a preview for my sister's keeper. it has cameron diaz in it. i really want to see it but i want to read the book first. i like that cameron diaz is in it. well i think. i used to not like her at all because of the roles she played. but she has gone for different movies these days. well kind of. anyways, it got me motivated to start reading her books again. i really haven't gotten to read this whole semester. i will catch up this summer though.
time to read. drink coffee. and be merry. bahah
Friday, May 1, 2009
boy it's weird that i am now done with my freshman year of college. it feels weird to just sit here and know that it's "summer". the weather isn't really quite here yet, but honestly this is my favorite weather, cool--in the 60s, cloudy, occasional rain. (SEATTLE) it's been like this for a few days now too. i've been loving coldplay's viva la vida again. i think because it was almost a year ago that it came out so it's like the same time of year again. especially "violet hill" when it's rainy, mid-morning. sheesh.
tonight there are a couple things going on. there is a show at a tea and bakery place. think i might be going out to eat with some people before that. i really want to go on a long walk right now. like 4 miles. i think i'll just take today pretty easy and then start packing tomorrow. i get to take nicole to the airport tomorrow morning and can't wait. i just hope i don't cry. ha. but really. mom and possibly markli come tomorrow afternoon to load up my things. then i'll head back and start job searching pronto.
can't wait to get home to get into the groove of a good schedule. i've been too busy to go to the gym this week and maybe last week too. after spring break i got out of the routine cause i wanted good sleep. well that didn't last long; should have gotten back into the gym instead.
next post will be from at home. :) LOVE YOU ALL
oh, and it's may day. this means only 30 days 'til my birthday when i will turn 19. weird.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
well, this is my last week as a freshman in college. still need to finish that online class. by the way, this class is very easy just time consuming. otherwise, i just need to study for a few finals. feels good but it is also sad to think about leaving everyone.
today we rearranged our room to how it is supposed to be for us to check out of our rooms on saturday. we actually like it. we still have to put our dressers in place, but everything else is fine. we just never imagined this arrangement as one we would love--but do we. we're keeping it in mind for next year.
i was thinking about how nice it would be to take a yoga class this summer--it's cheaper, could transfer credits and what not, but no one has those types of classes available during the summer. lame.
these past two weeks have been packed with hanging out, school events. i love it. it's hard to try and hang out with everyone. everyone is all so busy. then there are those friends you wish you'd gotten to know more and hang out with more during the year cause they are transferring. stinks.
well, i think my possibility of transferring is growing less and less. i'm liking it more and more here. mom will be so so very happy to read this. current thought for junior year is being an RA. i remember when i was in high school i always dreamed of mnu (haha) and that i'd be an RA for as many years as i could. haha. but mostly because big bro, beau, was one. give me your thoughts on this. do you think i'd be a good RA? well i'm callin' it a night. oh, you all should update your blogs. even just a single line--just something to make me laugh or cry or cry because of laughing. sherry, pictures are always good. nicole, a comment ol'do, but i would love a little blog post. oh, and mom, you can comment on this. bean (and suzie), i would comment on your blogs, but they are just so deep i never know what to say--but feel free to comment away here.
peaceee yoooo
Friday, April 24, 2009
this week has been pretty good. it has been pretty busy too. something has been going on each night. this weekend there are things to do too, which will be fun. i have to finish writing one paper and finish this online class. then next week is finals. rather crazy how time passes. and this is going to be a long summer; it's just a few days short of being 4 months long. it won't be fun leaving all of my friends but that's what college is i guess.
i got a text a couple nights ago to come watch my cousins daughter, layla. so that is what i'm currently doing. i arrived at 6 and then we walked to the park. played for a bit and then went out for some chinese. after we finished that we stopped by a friend's house show for about 5 mins. it was very loud though. left to get our desert--sheridans. it was delicious. on the way home i got a call from markli and looked back in the car 2 mins later and she was asleep in her carseat. so i carried her in and got her changed to her pjs. she is so fun and she was so excited all day for me to come. now i'm done and i found a movie to watch on starz video on demand. it's called penelope. it's weird but i'll give it a try. also doing some laundry right now.
jobs. need to get home as soon as possible to apply. someone told me that since i'm and elementary education major it's always good have childcare on your resume. they told me to try and find a day care to work at in the summers. so if it doesn't work out at the dr's office then i'll try the day care that is in our neighborhood. i would also prefer to work at a coffee shop over the custard place for a few nights a week. i'd enjoy it more. so we'll see. i feel like i already posted some of this information. sorry about that.
i've been playing intramural soccer for the past two weeks. love it. kinda wish i'd played a sport growing. more than just the one year in second grade that i played soccer. so i played that on monday and tuesday night. wednesday was basketball with my buds. those nights were intense. so monday i played at 6. i can't remember what i did that night. tuesday night played at 7 then afterwards went to some intramural volleyball games to watch. next year i think i want to play in intramural basketball, soccer, and volleyball. i enjoy them, so why not. after i think i just went back to my room and went to bed a good time. wednesday was earth day. that afternoon i went on a walk. for dinner some girls from our hall and some from across the hall got together to go out to eat at a mexican restaurant. it was a lot of fun. that night i went to the edge, then basketball at 9, then at 10 i left for the movies with some friends. we were all encouraged to go see the movie earth. disney said they would plant a tree for every ticket purchased the week of the release. so went to that got done after midnight and went back to study for a fine arts test. think i did pretty good on it too. thursday i played some sand volleyball then went on a walk with anna. last night was our party for our mission trip group. not many showed up but we watched the dvd of some of the pictures taken. it was pretty fun. afterwards went to run errands with josh. he knows i like to like drive and listen to music with the windows down. after that i went to RECHARGE. it's a service every thursday night, but this night it counted as a chapel point. so i went to that then came back and hung out with some girls on the hall and the hall across from us in the prayer room. everyone was up late studying and some just because. we don't have many left together. so it has been a fun week.
hope you enjoyed reading about this week. haha. a few of you might have read the whole thing. nicole, we still need to have our date before we leave. markli, get excited. i'll be home soon. same to you mom, i'm sure you are very happy i'm coming home for the summer.
have a good day or night.
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