Monday, February 16, 2009


i like my coffee pretty strong these days.  sherry and luke will be happy to hear--luke i can't go without creamer yet.  how are you doing with that?

went to central church of the nazarene this morning.  it was okay.  i've only been looking because it seems like i should be involved in the church that i'm going to.  not sure if that's because i've been doing that all my life or if i really should be a part.  if i didn't feel this way i'd be going to jacob's well in the morning and the gathering at night all the time because i really do like them both. any thoughts?

i don't work until wednesday this week so i hope that i'll be able to find this new job this week so i can start maybe by next week.  that's what i'm praying for anyway.  you know i'll keep you updated. :)



Sherry said...

my new obsession? hot tea, water straight from the kettle with a pinch of french vanilla creamer. deevine.

good luck on the job shtuff this week!

Anonymous said...

i love when i get comments. i bet you do too. let's try sherry's way of drinking tea. also, let's plan a seattle trip or a nampa trip.


Cabe said...

keep going to Jacob's Well. It's the best.