Friday, February 6, 2009


tonight i'm going to first fridays with some friends. it's free.

tomorrow night there is a show that's going to be very good. it's free.

think i might need to go to the chiropractor. not free.

still trying to finish a book from the olathe public library that is due tomorrow. it's free.

drinking DDP right now. it's free.

doing pretty good with this "ramsey fast". hah

finger is doing pretty good. still looks sick when i have to put new gauze and tape on everyday.

thinking about trying another new church sunday. last one was pretty good but pretty mark and theresa style. well, the church they are at now anyways...not so much what they would want their church to be like.

--have a good weekend all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha. i loved this post so much.