Sunday, March 29, 2009


today i drove in loads of rain. eh. and dad. eh. oh well.

i drive back tomorrow and i just hope the roads are decent. i've heard kansas was hit bad. it started snowing here around 11PM and is still faintly. nothing is sticking to ground, of what i can tell. it was too warm and rainy today for it to stick. we'll see. hope and pray.

it's been good to be home. it's home and that's all. i just got done walking on the treadmill. it feels great. have a few other things to do before i head to bed. putting some music on my computer and possibly watching a show while i'm waiting.

also, not much blogging going on. or commenting. just throwing that out there.

peace yo

1 comment:

dylanjacobus said...

the roads are kinda bad up here. but its supposed to clear up tomorrow.