Tuesday, March 31, 2009


currently having some popcorn with a diet dr. pepper. perfect snack i do believe.

i went on two walks today. they both were great. also, got back to playing basketball with my buds tonight. thus i am tired. it was good to go back. hope to start going again on a regular basis.

found out today i can work just part of the summer at golden bell. i will be there for most of it, but i'll leave a few weeks early. getting excited. need to talk about it more with the parents though.

short and sweet posts lately.



Sherry said...

Praise be for a few things...

Kettle Korn or all popcorn in general
You get to be in WA for a.long.time:)
LONG walks

dylanjacobus said...

Hmmmm. I think pretzels and apple juice is a perfect snack.

You workin on that outside shot yet?