Friday, February 19, 2010


it is terrible that the smallest amount of caffeine makes my heart race. it has been a good day so far. had a test at 8. turned in my application for RA next year. took two history quizzes. had lunch in between those. just paid off my school account. :) (i got a $1000 scholarship out of no where--thank you Women's Auxiliary) i wrote them a thank you note yesterday so that the money would be put on my account. such a blessing from the Lord. just got back from sending a few notes to friends. about to go to choir. i started a new book this week and i would really like to spend a lot of time this weekend reading it and hopefully finishing it. it's raining right now which makes the day even better. it was snowing and then turning to rain and back and forth but now it's just rain. this is a funny blog post. hope you followed. have a good one.
