Thursday, February 26, 2009


good news all around.  gresham, my nephew was admitted to the hospital with rsv and a slight case of phenomena--he now seems to be doing okay but may still be in the hospital for a few days.  they still need our prayers.  my papa(grandpa) was admitted to the hospital this morning.  seems he had low blood pressure and was dehydrated.  at the time he had garbled language.  he seems to be doing better now as well but not sure when he will be released.  

job-wise.  the lady with the 7 month just called me.  she wants to meet on saturday to talk about it.  i'm so excited.  i hope it works out.  i would LOVE it.  and sorry, i know i've said all of this before.  if one of the other places does ever call me back i might be interested in working a couple mornings a week just for the experience.  

that's what's on my mind right now.  just wanted to inform those that would want it.  



Anonymous said...

yesh. bears. beets. battlestar galactica. :)
glad to hear about the nannying, sounds like fun.
the hospital wants pop to stay all night just incase something else were to happen. i think he is doing better though, i'm sure mom will keep you informed.
p.s. its raining like crazy here. LOVE IT.

Sherry said...

fyi: it's spelled pneumonia...not phenomena....that would be kinda funny though...not to be nit-picky, just pointing it out b/c it made me laugh

Gresham the Phenomenal Little Man...that part is true:)

love you.
