Friday, December 23, 2011


it's been a while.  i'm in kaldi's enjoying some coffee and internet time.  shipped sherry's christmas gift today.  i'm excited for beau, suz and madeline to come and i wish i could go visit the duerre family.

i found this quote on a blog today.

Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.
— C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


these are the things i am praying about:

student teaching where? i have to get approved to do so remotely.  

i'm preparing myself for this year.  but i can't become too attached to one idea, it might change.  this is hard for me.  

so hard.  

Thursday, June 30, 2011


earlier this school year i was at the leawood roasterie.  this guy came in with his ipad and sat down at the table next to me.  a little while later one of the cutest little girls came in and i knew she was his daughter.  a little boy also came in and they sat and chatted for a little bit before the little boy started 'working' and the little girl got to play on the ipad.  she was so adorable.  as she started playing with the ipad she would accidentally hit the wrong button and the dad would have to help her get the video started again. after a few times i reached over and helped her because he was on the phone.  she started chatting with me.  then i asked her a few questions, how old she was, etc.  then the dad joined the conversation.  helped her tell me her name, age, background.  (these kids know 3 languages!)  after a little small talk i found out they owned the roasterie.  yeah.  no big deal.  he gave me he and his wife's business cards.  he told me if i ever had any ideas of how the store could be better to contact them.  well, most of my friends know i love the roasterie.  i tried getting a job there after school ended for the year.  no luck.  also kind of thankful.  i don't want it to loose it's 'special-ness'.  haha.  

well, two days ago i went to the brookside roasterie.  i was waiting for my coffee when i look up and here comes this little boy i'd 'met' several months ago.  bed head and all.  he was heading back to the back of the store.  he knows this is like his home.  i look around the rest of the store and see the little girl and a lady who seems to be their nanny.  that was when i wished i could just nanny full-time.  if i was lucky, for this family, but i would also love to nanny abroad.  my friend nicole told me i should do that this summer, but i didn't have the money to get over there and i just really didn't think it was possible.  well, let me say this, i think i would love an opportunity like this.  maybe after i graduate.  if i didn't have any debt after i graduated then it would be an easy decision.  this is not the case.  

i have loved living in olathe this summer.  i get to hang out with friends.  i haven't had a summer like this yet and i am really enjoying it.  i tried a second job, but it was nanny-ing for an indian family.  not my cup of tea.  i was expected to be by the baby at all times.  they were very concerned with germs.  they didn't really want me to hang around the same area as they were.  so, i said i didn't think this was going to work out.  i thought i had another potential job, but nothing has happened with it yet.  it was to work at a new restaurant.  my host family from college church knows the co-owners and they had talked about needing staff to open and close.  that would work perfect for my schedule.  we'll see what happens.  there were a lot of high schoolers working there.  i'm about ready to go apply at startbucks.  ha.  the leawood roasterie is hiring a full-time barista.  wish i could apply.

last night i took a personality test that is similar to myers-brigss.  it was free on the internet.  i am ESFJ and it seems right.  here are a couple links.  one and two.  i've been reading some of the other types and can relate to a couple other ones as well.  it's just interesting.  

tonight i am taking a big group of friends to UNforked.  it's the new restaurant i applied at.  food is great, local, healthy, and the building is my style. hah.  i'm excited to see what everyone thinks.  

i am going home on sunday for about 24 hours.  spending time with our dear friend sarah jo.  then i'll spend sunday night with mom and dad if they don't get back in town too late.  then the next half day will be with mom--as dad is heading off to camp.  

my room in our apartment is being painted at the moment.  there were two purple wall that don't match our bedroom things.  i'm excited to see what it will look like.  i'm also ready for markli to return.  

this is a long post.  hope it's entertaining; at least a little.  

little goals in life:
floral work
travel to europe (soon)
live in the same area as family (columbia/mo, olympia/wa, mt.vernon/ohio)

that was a big update.  i think i've shared everything on my mind.  ha :)



Thursday, May 26, 2011


well,  i stared up a twitter account again.  i don't really think of using it right now.  very few tweets.  i also started a little something called pinterest.  look at my profile.  just things i love.  

i finished a second book this week.  was very good.  safe haven by nicholas sparks.

next week i will really start to find that second job.  i've had quite a bit of babysitting for the time being.  i get paid for working in the community formation office tomorrow and it should be for 45 hours of work.  then comes wedding weekend.  i will be helping/in at a wedding on monday and there are wedding festivities all weekend.  it will be a lot of fun.  

i need to start another book, but i got tired of reading.  

i'm trying out a new workout schedule.  
monday: yoga
tuesday: running 
wednesday: pilates
thursday: running
friday: walking
saturday/sunday: something.  maybe bike rides when i get a bike.
i haven't made it a full week yet.  on MWF i work out with alyssa beckum.  she was sick yesterday so we didn't get to pilates yet.  and on tues/thurs i am running with my college church host mom.  we ran 2 miles tuesday morning but she had to take her daughter somewhere today.  tomorrow i work in the office 8:30-12, 1-5.  long day.  then the guys are having a show.  saint lux.  let me go ahead and give you the link to check out their musics.  haha.  

just got an email that gap is having a huge sale.  might have to stop in.  

oh last weekend was so great.  got to hang out with the magnuson family and extended family and timmy jones.  such great people.  wish we all lived in the same area.  spread out in kansas, colorado, nevada, oregon.  can't wait for another reunion with these people. 

the roasterie says they are still hiring, but they are waiting to look at applications.  so potential.  we shall see.   

hope everyone has a great memorial day weekend!


Friday, May 20, 2011


olathe has had some great rainy weather these past two days.  just love it.  don't want it to go. 

i reserved quite a list of books with the local library that exchanges books with all johnson county libraries.  i've picked up four already and there are more waiting for me.  \

i am so excited to have roommates now.  markli and i will be living with our friend raelyn this fall.  i am living with her this summer with another lady.  tonight we made a veg dinner of squash and zucchini sauteed in olive oil and onions and mushrooms.  we also had corn on the cob and asparagus.  it was delicious.  now we are downtown at the (brookside) roasterie enjoying a brooksider bob latte and splitting an oatmeal raisin cookie.  we are going to have great times together.  

tomorrow i have a wedding.  to go to.  get to see the magnuson family again.  wish we could live in the same place again.  

going home for the weekend in two weeks.  that will be great--i'm ready for a little time at home.  i am hopefully taking a few friends too.  it will be fun showing them columbia.  i think they will really like it.  

i found a pair of black jeans in the laundry room when everyone moved out and so i washed them and kept them.   wearing them right now.  what a great find.  haha.  but really.  


Sunday, May 15, 2011


i read a book this week.  i asked several people for a list of books so i now need to go find those at the library.  i'm still looking for that second job.  i need to be a little more pro-active about it.  i have so much time though--it would be smart to find another 15-20 hour part time job.  i don't think i want to go with starbucks because i'd have to invest in their black and khaki uniform colors.  i'm still hoping the roasterie will call me back.  maybe a small nannying job will come up.  

i like being here.  but it would be nice to be with family too.  and the weather has been cooler, cloudy, and rainy.  makes me miss olympia.  

listening to music at startbucks right now with anna.  leaving in a few to go to band practice for a service at college church tonight.   

have a great!  love, maresalee.

Monday, April 25, 2011


2 weeks of school left. can't believe it. very ready for the summer.

things on my mind:
what part time job will i have this summer?
(i dropped an application off at the leawood roasterie this afternoon.)
sounds like my life will be pretty scheduled out next semester and even this summer.
(kind of ready for that.)
where will i do my student teaching? somewhere where i can live for free?
(i don't really want to stay in olathe to student teach.)
(olympia, kirksville, home?)
i just have to trust the lord will provide the answer when it is time to know.
(practicing patience.)
i want to watch a movie right now.
(chick flick.)
but i need to do homework.
(almost done with the semester!)

this summer i plan on reading a book a week, becoming a runner, lots of yoga, working and saving moneys, spending time with the braatz's, johnson's, KC friends, duplex guys, great people. i can't wait. highlights: taking friends home to columbia, colorado to see the duerre's, klekamp wedding, birthday, seeing the magnuson family(!), pool outings. living this summer up! time to do some homework!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


break. i am at kaldi's right now. just enjoying some time on the internets. i need to get started on a lesson plan. rough draft is due tomorrow. i'm quite hungry though. i thought food prices would be a little cheaper. nope. i am going to go fill up my mug.

decisions, decisions. money vs. not much money. hate that choice.
summer, what to do?
golden bell,
mount vernon, or
summer RA. or
something else.

in the back of my mind, where to do my student teaching?

part of me would like to take a semester off of school. oh no! can't do that.

i was texting sherry last night and wishing i'd gone up there for spring break. home is great, but time with your sister and fam is great too. just missing family in olympia.

my body is way out of whack. i went to the chiropractor at noon-30 today. it helped. i just feel really out of it. i've been getting some good sleep. helpful.

i have now transferred to panera. had half of a thai chicken salad. delish.

going to right to some loved ones: amber, amanda, and sarah.

this is what has been going on in my life. i seem to only blog when i am at home.

well, i'm out. love, maresalee.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


i received a moleskin planner/calendar for Christmas. it is very helpful. i have mixed feelings towards it though. i don't like living too busy of a life, but i have to face it because that is how life will be for me during certain stages--such as now. too busy=greater distractions. i think. so, sometimes i find myself always looking at it. it helps me stay on top of things and not forget about certain events. but i feel as if i am looking at it too often to know what is next or to plan the next thing. i wish i didn't have to plan times to meet with friends. it would be more like--if i see them we should enjoy that time. drop something for a while right then and spend some time with that person or persons. BUT everyone has schedules. everyone is busy. it's yuck. on the other hand, if i didn't plan to meet with people those friendships would start slipping. but it's all natural. people will enter and leave your life all the time.

today in sunday school we talked about living in freedom, not in slavery under the old law, but a living in freedom in slavery under the new law--loving your neighbor. we were studying galatians 5:13-15. then we looked at luke 10:25-37, which includes "the most important commandment" and the "parable of the good samaritan". sometimes we look at that parable correctly, if you will. at the end of the passage Jesus asks, "'Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?'. The the expert in the law replied, 'The one who showed him mercy'. Then Jesus said, 'Yes, now go and do the same'." we tend to think the neighbor is the guy who was just robbed and needed some help, but it is really those who have shown and given mercy. we must humble ourselves to receive mercy. then, it is our responsibility to love those that have given us mercy. i'm still processing all of this. it was a very great discussion.

prayer requests:
direction for summer job/living
the busy-ness that hasn't quite come yet this summer--to be ready for it.
two guys (athletes) here at MNU that just had surgery on their broken legs this past week.
direction for lost churches across the world.

hope everyone is having a great!


Saturday, January 15, 2011


i got my haired trimmed the other day and decided i would try bangs. well, i hated them at first but it was because i hadn't styled them. gave them a try last night and ended up liking them more as i wore them today.

break consisted of rest.
reading 8 books.
favorite coffee shops for internet.

RA retreat/training was just from yesterday afternoon until today after lunch. not exhausting which is nice. it was a very good time.
i babysit tonight. that will be nice. thinking about hitting up latteland before i go and work on a little project for sherry.
listening to coldplay-careful where you stand. good song.
i'm out.
have a great!