Tuesday, March 31, 2009


currently having some popcorn with a diet dr. pepper. perfect snack i do believe.

i went on two walks today. they both were great. also, got back to playing basketball with my buds tonight. thus i am tired. it was good to go back. hope to start going again on a regular basis.

found out today i can work just part of the summer at golden bell. i will be there for most of it, but i'll leave a few weeks early. getting excited. need to talk about it more with the parents though.

short and sweet posts lately.


Sunday, March 29, 2009


today i drove in loads of rain. eh. and dad. eh. oh well.

i drive back tomorrow and i just hope the roads are decent. i've heard kansas was hit bad. it started snowing here around 11PM and is still faintly. nothing is sticking to ground, of what i can tell. it was too warm and rainy today for it to stick. we'll see. hope and pray.

it's been good to be home. it's home and that's all. i just got done walking on the treadmill. it feels great. have a few other things to do before i head to bed. putting some music on my computer and possibly watching a show while i'm waiting.

also, not much blogging going on. or commenting. just throwing that out there.

peace yo

Friday, March 27, 2009


it feels great. nothing like going home to a home cooked meal. had some of the church board members over. they were the ones i am closest to so it was just like family.

the drive was nice. listened to music. loud. almost felt like i'd been to a show once i got out of the car. that feeling only lasted for a little bit.

we are leaving at about 9ish for st. louis tomorrow. meeting beau and suzie for lunch and maybe something after that. will be a great time.

i. am. so. tired. earliest i've been to bed in a long time. also doing laundry.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


this week has gone by so fast. i'm going home tomorrow. seems like it was just monday. so crazy.

i have to work really hard to make myself focus this week. i'm just really restless with everything right now. it's weird. like i just want to go out and do something. i'm telling you i just love to go on walks, but i need a walking partner.

can't wait for the drive tomorrow. good music. have some coffee in hand. or chai. delish. NBD (no big deal).

nap time. then coffee and homework. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


this blog is for amber who keeps looking for an update.

well i have a good sleeping schedule again. that's right. i practically wake up on my own at great times. i'm up and i feel better about myself even when i don't have classes until 12 on MWF. on sunday i woke up at 8 and monday at 8:30. both i woke up on my own an i was wide awake. then today i woke up to my alarm at 7:20. made it to class. i also got a great nap in today. it feels like i have so much energy. it kills me to sit in my room. like i want to go on a walk. but i can't really. at least not where i'd want to go unless i had someone else to go with. i would ask bethany but she can't. she has mono. her mom is actually making her go home tomorrow morning. they are coming to get her. felt bad for her. she doesn't want to go.

i'm going home this weekend. it's been "a long time", according to my dad, since i've been home. true. i haven't been home since a week before winter break ended. i have seen my family though. they come here. then on saturday we are driving to st. louis because beau is meeting us there. should be fun.

still no news on the job that i'm supposed to start. i'm kinda just layin' low. i'm not spending money. 1 because i can't, 2 because it's best. i'm trying to get ahead with school now while i can. i wouldn't mind a few baby-sitting jobs.

i love being really tired right now. nicole and i just watched some office and i was falling asleep. i haven't worked out this week. or last week. which is bad. i was going to start this week, but then i realized i want to get this sleeping schedule down first. then start workouts. maybe in the mornings if i keep waking up on my own. if not just earlier at night. problem is the gym isn't always open.

also, i love seeing everyone from the mission trip group. i used to never see some. now i see them lots. it also seems weird that we aren't together all the time. i really do miss it. especially all of the great laughs we had and fun talks. we've already planned "reunions".

that's all. peace yo

Saturday, March 21, 2009


starting with friday. it was our fun day. we got to sleep in a bit longer but left at 9ish for the mountains to go on a hike. ended up being two different hikes. one was rather short then the next one was a good 2 miles maybe. in snow i might add. it was a tad slick because i didn't have good traction shoes. i got to laughing several times. :) it was great. so we got done about 2 and had lunch in the parking lot. got back to fc a little before 4. told to get things packed we'd get back late that night. we were going to denver. so we had 30 mins to pack and get things for showers. showered in another record time and on the road to denver. we had reservations at some dinner theater. it was interesting. they told us to either go big having fun, or go home. so we just had fun. (which isn't hard to do in our group.) it was fun. got back to the church at 11. tossed around the idea of finishing cleaning and leaving that night. decided against. left at 5:15 this morning. had great conversations on the way back with taylor johnson and the girls. loved every bit of it. he's a great guy. ha funny story. so he got so caught up in all this talk, we ran out of gas. haha yes. true story. so the other van went for some gas for us and we made it to the station. it was hilarious. so arrived back at ol' mnu by 4:30PM. made great time both there and back.

got a couple texts and a phone call on the drive from my cousin and his wife telling me my grandparents were in town. they were going to have dinner at golden corral. i was planning on meeting them there at oh, 5:30. well i got into my dorm; wanted to shower. so i go shower come back to my door locked. had to call campus police from another girls phone. (they're aren't many people back yet. i was a little frightened. HA!) so all worked out. i made it by 6:15PM. had a nice dinner. hadn't seen eric in SO long. layla i think loves me and i love that. we got started talking about my room. so we ended up just all coming over to see it. i think they really enjoyed seeing campus and my room.

after they left i really wanted to go for a walk. so i did eventually. it was nice. i think it was about an hour long. then went to target for some juice, creamer, and a couple apples. having some decaf. coffee as we speak or type. then i went on a drive. i haven't gone on a nice drive in such a long time. i had the windows down a bit, a little heat going, music blaring, and it was just great. going to bed soon. it will be such a great feeling to lay in a bed. i cannot wait.

have a good'n.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


woke up early this morning. not as early as i thought we would. i guess i got the time wrong. anyways we had to be in the "turtle" by 7:45 AM. we arrived at the very nice site for building a home for habitat for humanity. i love the style of the home. like, i would live in one if the inside were a little nicer. like they aren't bad inside, but i would like a better quality of things inside.

so we first cleaned up the site of scraps and got started on our job. a group of guys started some work on a roof. prepped it for shingles. then the girls got started on cleaning the inside of another house like vacuuming and washing windows and then started painting. doing some touch ups and trim. had lunch on the work site. mhm. and then i switched sides. worked with the boys on the roof. i ran the circular saw. only once because taylor was nervous i'd hurt myself. (i don't understand why...sherry.) got to do a few other things. i was just sick of painting. so we finished up at around 3.

back to the church to start more jobs. i was in a group though to canvas the neighborhoods so we don't have to go tomorrow morning. tomorrow will all be free day. i guess we might go hiking and then go to denver. might go to the mountains. not real sure. we are rather flexible. it's great.

so after we got back from the neighborhood we started dinner. it included: chicken and noodles, green beans and bacon bits, apple sauce, and a desert of angel food cake, strawberries, whipped cream/ice cream. it was incred.

then we finally got to shower. it was splendid. we are all exhausted. we all wished we could have gone to bed an hour or so ago. i made some popcorn on the stove; only the best. yes ma'am or sir. then i played some tennis on the wii with andy. we won, best out of 5. so that was good enough for me. i'm tuckered out. head has kinda been hurting since mid-morning. kinda just today on and off. it's a bit ridiculous. have a good night or day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


we have started winding down already. kind of nice i must admit. we have been going pretty much none stop. working hard.

so...showers this morning. ( i mention this because we don't get showers everyday, or every morning rather. i don't mind, but lots in this group do.) then came back for breakfast and quiet time. i have been wanting to blog about this for several days now and keep forgetting. i will tell you now. during my quiet time i listen to explosions in the sky. it. is. the. best. (luke, check them out. they are on the mac and church ipod. they are just good for background music, and for listening. just give em' a try. it's all instrumental.) after that we got started on our jobs around the church. another girl and i made the final touches to the air ducts. they are finished. others worked outside, replaces windows and lots more. then we had some lunch. then back to for a couple of hours to finish some jobs. i cleaned up all of the painting supplies. my hands were very prune-y.

then we changed clothes because the whole group was headed back to matthew's house for a barbecue. it was nice. there were 15 of us that went. several have gotten sick, so some stayed behind to rest. some played the a game of pepper, basketball, taboo, apples to apples, and yahtzee, some frisbee too. lindsey and i sat in a chair together watching the hilarious game of pepper. i did play some frisbee later. we brought hamburgers, hotdogs, chips. ya know, the usual. had a good time.

came back to the church to play a game of stoned. it's an intense game of horse. and, i won. then we came inside to fill some plastic easter eggs with a piece of candy and put a sticker and info card on the egg. they are for canvassing the close neighborhoods. after that some had their jobs to finish. i decided to just relax. i maybe should have been doing something, but no one ever said they needed me and taylor walked by several times. so i think i'm okay.

we have to be at habitat for humanity by 7 tomorrow morning; so we are going to bed early tonight. not sure if we'll have debriefing tonight but i wouldn't mind. but that's been today.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


woke up to shower. all 18 of us showered and were ready to leave the community showers in 40 mins. we are awesome. we got a treat on the way back to the church. starbucks. then we came back to the church to have breakfast and quiet time before we started our jobs around the church. i applied the last coat of paint to the air ducts in the sanctuary. brady walked in a one point and said it looked like i was doing pilates. i am up on scaffolding and have my face up. at all times. it was great. as soon as finished that i ran to change clothes. we were headed to matthew's house. i ate lunch on the run.

a group of, oh, 9 went to matthew's house. it's an awesome place. if i lived here i would definitely work/volunteer there. it is a day home for troubled teens. it was just an awesome house. and it was very cute too. like the style i would live in--with just a few adjustments. while we were there we made homemade birthday and thank you cards. it was fun. but it is something that you can get tired of doing real fast. a total of 4 teens came while we were there. i felt bad because i was just so tired and not very talkative. (not that i am in those type of situations anyway, but it didn't help.) we spent a couple hours there and headed back to the church.

once back at the church we hung out for a little bit trying to see what jobs we had left. some people started dinner and the others that stayed during the day had just finished painting the rainbow hallway white. looks much much better. (this is going to be a long post by the way.) so i sit around for a bit cause i really didn't feel like doing anything. then i got up and helped take some painting tape down. then we had dinner. tacos, applesauce, chips and salsa, and brownies and ice cream. mhm.

then, we had a little service. it was a small worship thing then a question answer time with brady and andy. taylor was supposed to too, but there were a few kids at a catholic charities. they made a meal and served it. i won't go into detail, but it was a bit like feeding of the 5000. no joke. all that was great. then after that there was a concert of a white christian rapper. yes. he also had his wife there singing. she had some pipes and it was a good thing she sang. otherwise i'm not sure i would have like it much. but that's okay. it's just not for me. the whole time i was thinking about what would happen if sherry and luke were still at this church and their reactions. i am quite sure i know what they would be. we were all supportive and it was fine. but boy howdy.

after that we had a "debriefing" time. we didn't have one last night so we had two days to cover. telling stories incase someone missed out. uplifting people we thought were awesome. and we always have a few GREAT laughs during this time.

a huge group just went to walmart. i didn't have enough energy; plus i really didn't need to go. so i stayed and wrote this so that when the rest of the girls come back i can go straight to bed. still lovin' every part of this trip. sorry about my novel of a day. talk to you tomorrow.


today was nice. we had breakfast around 9 and then had our quiet time. after that we started our jobs. painting new duct work was mine. after we wiped it down with vinegar (yes my hands smelled bad) we put the primer on. we got part 1 of the job done and had to jump on the turtle(bus/van) to drive to denver and work at a food service place where we made packages of meals. it went by fast and we were able to help them out a lot. oh, we ate lunch on the way. got back around 5 and my group had supper duty for the night. we had spaghetti, bread, salad, and a fruit salad. it was fun to make. then we went to work on the church jobs again. painting. finished up at 9:30ish and just had hang out time. during this time one of the guys brought his guitar and we have put it to use. there are some just plain hilarious people on this trip. they will sit in the fireside room strumming the guitar and someone will sing along/talk and tell everyone a story. it's the best.

so today was another great day. getting to know others more and more.

beau, had to bring the computer because i had to type a paper on the drive here. because it had to be turned in by sunday night. which i did with time to spare. i wrote the whole thing on the way. only took a couple hours. plus, i don't really journal...this is it. and so i wanted to have something from each day i was here. and you guys get to hear about it.

have to be up before 8 to go shower for the day. goodbye

oh my word. sherry sent me this quiz on facebook. it's "where should you be living?"
here are my results:
You are tired of the scorching sun and the heat. You want to go somewhere were you can enjoy the rain and the ocean and feel like you are at home. You want to go to the top of the space needle and see everything around you. You have an adventurous spirit that is itching to explore.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


i want to live in fort collins at some point in my life. just letting you know.

well, we made it to fort collins yesterday around 3pm. it's so amazing here. my sister and brother-in-law, and kids used to live here. we never had time to check things out when i helped them move last summer so i'm seeing it now. it's so sweet! and everyone is just so laid back. and it's so nice and quiet. sounds weird to say, but walking the streets it was just quiet.

we had a nice service this morning and just love the feel of the church even though it's still rather small. i just really like it. it was also nice to have such a nice group of us college kids here too. after service we went to huhot. it was incredible. then we had a couple hours to go walk around old town. loved it. we found walrus ice cream. i guess it's a pretty big deal here. it was delish.

we are all loving it here and i really love the group i came with. glad i decided to come that's for sure.

think i'll write a blog everyday this week. i'll tell a story or something. i love having the internet here on my mac. ha

have a good day. night. day or night.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


well, guess what! i'm typing you this blog on my computer.  mhm.  yes.  i am.  NBD.  (no big deal)

seriously need to remember to drink all decaf. drinks at all times.

this week is a little hectic.  i have two papers two write.  some homework for an online class.  (i don't like online classes by the way.)  and then a fine arts test to study for that is on thursday.  so i guess it is kind of nice i haven't started my job quite yet--but hopefully when i get back from the mission trip in the great state of colorado.  

i don't drive my car much anymore.  i drove to church sunday and the last time i drove it before then was on wednesday night.  we sometimes run behind for chapel, so bethany and i drive over.  that's about the extent of my driving.  it's nice, but i do miss the great music i had during my drives.  so by not driving, i don't spend much money.  i do need to go to target tomorrow for something to have to drink for the room.  i'm sure everyone who reads my blog loves to hear about this.  sorry, just have a chuckle.

that's about all.  oh, we leave at 4:30 am on saturday for the FC colorado mission trip.  i need to find a suitcase.  and do laundry.

peace yo

Monday, March 9, 2009


mom and markli came for friday/saturday mother daughter weekend.  too bad it was so cheesy on friday night.  it's always that way though.  it needs to change though.  mom was even having a hard time with it.  we got to laughing sometimes.  it's never good when we get to laughing during special events.  but we love it!

lately i've really been thinking about how nice it would be to not have a cell phone and no availability to a computer, so there could just be human to human, face to face interaction.  those things are nice, but it sure makes life more complicated.  and it's just more personal.  i would need a phone though for calling my family, but otherwise--eh. i could sometimes care less.  it's like those times when you lose your phone and it ends up being a nice break.  sidenote* i'm supposed to be getting my computer any day now.  but i'll still have these thoughts.

can't believe spring break is next week.  this week i'll be writing a paper, and making sure i'm up on all of my classes.  can't wait.  at least i won't have to worry about working.  

seems like i have other things to say but they're not coming to mind.  

good bye

Thursday, March 5, 2009


it's a beautiful day today in that it is 70 some degrees out, but rainy days are my favorite too.  we've had our window open in the dorm room or the past two days.  crazy to have snow on the ground just this last saturday, and then a day like this.  

i do have a job now, just not sure when it will start.  she was hoping to go back to work a week from this monday, but she hasn't called to tell me yet.  i hope it's soon.  i could use a paycheck.  

spring break is coming fast.  can't wait to head to FC.  it will be one great week!  we have another informational meeting for it tonight.   always a good way to spend an evening.  serious though.  they are the best people.

mom and markli are coming this weekend for mother/daughter weekend here at ol' mnu.  we're all staying in my room.  my roommate is going to go stay with her sister and mom at her sister's apartment.  such a family weekend.  how sweet.  no, it will be good.  it's friday night and saturday morning.

this week is going by fast again.  crazy to think i will be done with school in 2 months, and there is a week of spring break in there.  and easter weekend.  going to be done before i know it.  that's okay with me.

what to do this summer. hmm.  i also think i have decided i'm staying here another semester, but then very good chance i'll transfer after that.  (decision made partially due to parents.)

keeping busy it seems.  haven't been playing basketball lately because i go work out at nights.  it's a good time to go.  it's late, but much easier of a time for me.  and that's about it.  just hanging out, homework, studying, etc.

good day.  

Sunday, March 1, 2009


today i had an "nanny interview" for the couple i've been talking about.  it went very well.  there are so many connections with people who are just in the nazarene denomination--it's just crazy.   i will most likely be starting a week from monday.  it will be great.  i have decided though, if one of the places i applied at calls me, i might try working just a couple mornings a week for the experience.  it would be fun. 

i don't feel like an old grandma anymore; i can run.  maybe it was the calcium thing, maybe it wasn't.  i just don't know.  

i've been thinking about this situation lately--being healthy and fit is rather costly. 
1.  food=expensive
2. exercise
-gym(free or need a membership?) or outdoors
-leads to more laundry(it costs someone)
3. then you're more hungry and these two things just go back and forth. 

good news.  my grandpa is out of the hospital.  he was in just overnight.  doing fairly well as far as i know.  little man, gresham, got to leave tonight(i believe earlier than expected).  

oh, and my finger is at about 90%.  it's still pretty tender, but looking tons better.

i get my mac in about a week!