Saturday, March 21, 2009


starting with friday. it was our fun day. we got to sleep in a bit longer but left at 9ish for the mountains to go on a hike. ended up being two different hikes. one was rather short then the next one was a good 2 miles maybe. in snow i might add. it was a tad slick because i didn't have good traction shoes. i got to laughing several times. :) it was great. so we got done about 2 and had lunch in the parking lot. got back to fc a little before 4. told to get things packed we'd get back late that night. we were going to denver. so we had 30 mins to pack and get things for showers. showered in another record time and on the road to denver. we had reservations at some dinner theater. it was interesting. they told us to either go big having fun, or go home. so we just had fun. (which isn't hard to do in our group.) it was fun. got back to the church at 11. tossed around the idea of finishing cleaning and leaving that night. decided against. left at 5:15 this morning. had great conversations on the way back with taylor johnson and the girls. loved every bit of it. he's a great guy. ha funny story. so he got so caught up in all this talk, we ran out of gas. haha yes. true story. so the other van went for some gas for us and we made it to the station. it was hilarious. so arrived back at ol' mnu by 4:30PM. made great time both there and back.

got a couple texts and a phone call on the drive from my cousin and his wife telling me my grandparents were in town. they were going to have dinner at golden corral. i was planning on meeting them there at oh, 5:30. well i got into my dorm; wanted to shower. so i go shower come back to my door locked. had to call campus police from another girls phone. (they're aren't many people back yet. i was a little frightened. HA!) so all worked out. i made it by 6:15PM. had a nice dinner. hadn't seen eric in SO long. layla i think loves me and i love that. we got started talking about my room. so we ended up just all coming over to see it. i think they really enjoyed seeing campus and my room.

after they left i really wanted to go for a walk. so i did eventually. it was nice. i think it was about an hour long. then went to target for some juice, creamer, and a couple apples. having some decaf. coffee as we speak or type. then i went on a drive. i haven't gone on a nice drive in such a long time. i had the windows down a bit, a little heat going, music blaring, and it was just great. going to bed soon. it will be such a great feeling to lay in a bed. i cannot wait.

have a good'n.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Sounds like a GREAT time. You'll have to go next year for sure. probably should go ahead and talk Taylor into Seattle. :)