Tuesday, May 26, 2009


this week is going by so fast and there is work to do during the day and something to do every night this week. it's great. getting ready for the weekend always helps time pass. can't wait for bean and suzie to get here thursday night.

started watching the baby today. loved it. every bit. she eats about every 2 1/2 or 3 hours. so i change her diaper sometime around then and then she goes right back to sleep most of the time. i get to watch tv or read. we went on a short walk today too. i'm sure i'll be going on many more of those. they have good tv too. so i have a few shows lined up to watch. :) i'm just a part of the family now and it'll be a lot of fun.

i have to start getting tired sooner because these are early mornings. i need to be tired and asleep by 10. that would be best. i'm sure it will all change after i have one week down.


Monday, May 25, 2009


this weekend was a nice one. seemed very productive. we started painting the guest bedroom on friday night. finally. then finished it on saturday. re-arranged some of the furniture. looks great. also put ceiling fans in the guest bed and my bedroom. very nice to have.

yesterday markli and i went to kirksville--of course after we went to first service and sunday school. it was good to go back. sure do miss those friends. we have to go back soon. we miss stacy moots a lot.

today we won't do much until tonight when we pick up papa and come back to cook out. mom and markli are still not up. it is 11. i woke up 9:30ish.

i get to wake up anywhere between 5:45 and 6AM for my first day of nanny-ing. i'll be going to bed early tonight and all other nights of the summer. probably best for me. maybe.

i've been listening to ingrid michaelson a bunch lately. i've always liked her but never had more than one or two songs. love her actually. today it's nice and cloudy, little rainy and this is great music for the day. i could have this a few more days this week.

this next weekend is markli's graduation. having the party friday night. we'll have lots to get ready throughout the week. can't wait. then we will have a little birthday bash on sunday with the family. can't wait. i requested homemade ice cream and just a homemade cake. this is a bit unusual because i always ask for an ice cream cake. i like more homemade things now-a-days.

welp. that's all. seeya

Thursday, May 21, 2009


it has gotten so hot this week. it's nice. getting some sun is nice too, but i wouldn't mind a day or two of cooler weather. preferably cloudy, rainy days.

monday: babysat
tuesday: i can't even remember what i did
wednesday: mid-afternoon went to kaldi's for some amazing mint green tea and read a book. evening church. then downtown--summerfest. they had willie nelson there last night. got this really good caramel milk tea then. afterwards went over to sarah's; had a great chat.
thursday: made sure my curtains were closed last night so the sun wouldn't wake me up in the morning. the family does a great enough job waking me up. :) but i was used to waking up early for the two weeks of babysitting. (i have job information i forgot to tell you. in another paragraph though.) so i woke up today about 9:40. made myself some eggs and toast. then got ready. took my car in for an oil change. went to starbucks in the mean time for some coffee and tea. the wait was an hour and a half so i read away in the sweet orange startbuck's chair. came home cleaned up the kitchen. now not much to do. might watch a couple shows online.
tomorrow: might be going over to the house where i'll be nannying this summer to become familiar with it. if not then, on monday. not sure what else tomorrow will bring.
saturday: not sure
sunday: going to kirksville for some graduation parties and see friends.

so, job information. my hours will be from 6:45 to i'm not sure how long. i imagine 4 or 5. i'll have to be there at 6:40 though so they can leave by 6:45. so i'll leave the house at 6:30. it will be good for me to get up early. i'll feel like i've accomplished much more even if i haven't. i'll start next tuesday since monday is memorial day. can't wait for a routine to be put in place. this week has had enough free time for me.

can't think of anything else to inform you of. oh wait. i'm getting new glasses. :) but that's it.


Monday, May 18, 2009


well, it's been a blessed nazarene sunday. mom had us sing for offertory. then there was a potluck following the service. then tonight was missions night. we also had an ice cream social afterwards.

so i was kidding about being done babysitting the twin boys. i have one more day. we shall find more things to do.

the week after this next one i start my job as a nanny. her name is sophie. she is a little over a month old. can't wait. still wouldn't mind an evening job for a little extra cash. lets hope a coffee place calls soon.

going to general assembly for sure. listen to this--we are flying. this is like a monumental decision right here. we never fly anywhere. must say i can't wait.

might go to kirksville this week for a day and night. i have a couple warts again that need some attention. gross, i know. very annoying as well. but it will be good to see some people too. hope it all works out.

oh. coldplay has a free download. it's called LeftRightLeftRightLeft. it's a live album. i love it. you should get it and listen to it. GO HERE!

'bout it for tonight. you all should think about blogging again. i mean, i like to read--and i have extra time this week. so really, just feel free to type away about your interesting lives.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


this could be a long post. just a heads up.

today i: went to babysit. turned right back around with the boys towards my house. good thing there was something happening today. dad was pouring concrete at 10am. so, we brought some toys out on the deck until 10am rolled around. they loved watching. which was so great. if only they would learn to listen the first time around--in general. these twin boys turned 3 today.

took a glorious nap today. should have gone walking but didn't get to that. it was so windy today--especially during the convenient times to walk. so i thought i'd call it an early night. i was tired at 8:30 i think. tomorrow i will. just makes me feel better. i should probably get a short run in as well.

tonight i went with mom to run some errands. i think she likes that i am home to go with her. dad and markli were at the church board meeting. markli never goes to the store with mom though. not sure if dad ever does, but he's usually busy at church. when i was still in hs i would go by myself. i just kind of enjoy it for some reason. but when i was in walmart i was thinking about how nice it would be to just go to small grocery stores and my mind went to this one in colorado. i went with sherry one time and i think it was when they were at gb (golden bell-camp). so it was in divide, co. but then i thought about the one sherry goes to in washington. sheesh. i just want to live in sick places like that with just such a different feel. someday, someday. it really is okay here in the midwest. but just okay. also in the store i was thinking about how it would be nice to just never be in a hurry--time would just be an easy pace. our cashier was just in a bit of a hurry to get done with us and on to the next customer. i think no matter what, hurrying is always a degree of rudeness. like driving. pretty much in every way. we are just less personable and rude when we are trying to hurry - we don't even know we are.

home is good. love how my room is set up. when i'm home though, i feel like i do things just a little bit differently. like, i cleaned out the fridge and put things back differently. i imagine re-arranging things. i found myself sitting in the living room last week imagining how i think the living room would look best. haha. oh gosh. i guess i just like how i do things. it just makes more sense to me. i think this is mainly just at home. like i wouldn't walk into someone's house and start thinking that. it's just "my territory"--i guess you could say, so i think of how i think it works best. a good and bad thing to do/have/think.

i think i have too much time on my hands. as you can tell. blogging almost everyday. i'm going to try and find more things to do after this week of babysitting. and fill my afternoons up during this week. i'll do this until i get a job or two. not sure what i'll fill this time with BUT if you have any ideas fill me in.

sincerely all--
have a good day :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


today is kind of a long day. can't wait for someone to get home so we can hopefully go do something. i'm still baby-sitting these twin boys. done after this week though. not sure what will come after that. i called the lady up the street about the pre-school and she said that they would need a sub pretty frequently this summer. she asked if i'd be available for the summer and i said yes. so she said she'd put me at the top of the list to call. she didn't say how often though. so i just hope i get an evening job. even if it is substituting every other week--that would be great.

i've decided to go to general assembly. i really am pretty excited about it. so far it looks like i won't be watching the newborn for the summer. that was a possibility but they haven't called back yet. which is probably best so i can go to general assembly.

so tired of the computer right now. and tv--unless we had food network or hgtv or tlc. we don't have those so i just don't watch it. whew. have to go do something else. peace.

Friday, May 8, 2009


i realize i usually blog about the things i tweet. sorry. but i have to say this cause it's just great. bxr is the best radio station. markli tweeted yesterday that they played life in technicolor ii. and they played it again this morning as i went to go get the boys i'm baby-sitting. it was grand. and it was pouring rain. even better.

i changed my profile picture to this today. i love it. we need more pictures like this--that's for sure.
that 'tis all. have a blessed day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


currently i am baby-sitting at my house. we'll see how this goes. our house isn't very child friendly and the dog is not a child loving one either. thus we are watching the incredibles.

i have a few job ideas but nothing is final. hope that comes soon though.

i'm reading a jodi picoult book. i didn't end up ever finishing the last one is started. it's, the tenth circle. the other day i went to see a movie and there was a preview for my sister's keeper. it has cameron diaz in it. i really want to see it but i want to read the book first. i like that cameron diaz is in it. well i think. i used to not like her at all because of the roles she played. but she has gone for different movies these days. well kind of. anyways, it got me motivated to start reading her books again. i really haven't gotten to read this whole semester. i will catch up this summer though.

time to read. drink coffee. and be merry. bahah

Friday, May 1, 2009


boy it's weird that i am now done with my freshman year of college. it feels weird to just sit here and know that it's "summer". the weather isn't really quite here yet, but honestly this is my favorite weather, cool--in the 60s, cloudy, occasional rain. (SEATTLE) it's been like this for a few days now too. i've been loving coldplay's viva la vida again. i think because it was almost a year ago that it came out so it's like the same time of year again. especially "violet hill" when it's rainy, mid-morning. sheesh.

tonight there are a couple things going on. there is a show at a tea and bakery place. think i might be going out to eat with some people before that. i really want to go on a long walk right now. like 4 miles. i think i'll just take today pretty easy and then start packing tomorrow. i get to take nicole to the airport tomorrow morning and can't wait. i just hope i don't cry. ha. but really. mom and possibly markli come tomorrow afternoon to load up my things. then i'll head back and start job searching pronto.

can't wait to get home to get into the groove of a good schedule. i've been too busy to go to the gym this week and maybe last week too. after spring break i got out of the routine cause i wanted good sleep. well that didn't last long; should have gotten back into the gym instead.

next post will be from at home. :) LOVE YOU ALL

oh, and it's may day. this means only 30 days 'til my birthday when i will turn 19. weird.