Saturday, June 27, 2009


schwell, it's florida. nothing really to write about. went to disney. i went with a friend, amanda. she had two free passes. that's why. the only reason i would ever go back is if i could afford it with my kids and if i wanted to take on the challenge. i'll say i really enjoyed the fireworks at the very end of the night. well, that wasn't even then end. i think the park closes at 1 or something crazy like that. i was dying. well, my feet, rather. i was even wearing tennis shoes. it was weird. i haven't been that worn out in, i can't even remember.

it's been good getting to see people and being with family has been great. wish everyone could have been here. lets plan on the next GA?

watching some show all about MJ right now. not tired tonight. not sure how that is possible after the extra long day yesterday. might do some reading. haven't done much of that this vacation. before we came i thought about what i would do each day--i would eat breakfast. wait a little bit to go work out. then go swim, shower, get ready for convention time. ha that hasn't happened once. i haven't even seen the pool. which is okay. might be nice to have one visit before the trip is over, but don't mind if i doesn't happen.

maresa west, good day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


not finished packing, but putting everything in piles. flight 5:30PM tomorrow for orlando florida.

had a good time in iowa even though it was for the funeral. they've done quite a bit of work to the ol' farm house. painted, new carpet. lookin' and feelin' much better. all of the cousins were there. geoff, one of the cousins, has a daughter layla and then expecting a baby boy in 2 weeks. his name will be morrison. i like it. anyway, i babysat her a few times this last semester and loved it when we walked in the house the other night and she was so excited to see me and remembered my name. she's so cute and getting so big. think we might try and make it up to the hospital when renee has the baby.

today i mowed the yard. after i was done and came inside i came so close to passing out. hahah! the only other time that has happened was when i gave blood. it was weird. i just decided to lay down before i laid down unconsciously. think i got dehydrated. i should drink more water--all the time.

no church tonight because of father's day. we went to kaldi's for some coffee/tea with sarah to visit. haven't been able to go to coffee with her in a while and we'll be gone for two weeks so we thought we should go. mango banana smoothie is what i got. delish.

so tired. goodnight.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


so tonight at church during a nooma video i was daydreaming. as much as i like those videos i always have to make myself focus. that's a problem with many things though. this time it was a continuation of a previous daydreaming moment. the last time it was kind of a joint effort with mom, but one i've thought about several times since then. haha so here it goes...

i guess it was about a year ago mom and i were out garage sale-ing for dorm room furniture. we were successful and had just gone to get the suburban to pick up our bargains. somehow we got started on the topic of what i would do in life. like i'll graduate with my bachelors in elementary education and start right in on the job. i also added i'd like to work/manage in a coffee shop during the summers to keep myself busy. then mom added in i would be a worship leader on the weekends. (not sure about that yet.) i said "well, i'm not sure about worship leader, but probably worship team member".

so that was mainly the dream that day. since then, throughout this school year i have added more to it. i would like help run the coffee shop and work there in the evenings after my school days were done. imagining myself still single at this point because i, right NOW, don't mind being single and wouldn't mind to still be for a couple more years--but, who knows. so, anyways i would of course live in the loft about the coffee shop. i mean, right? :) it might sound like this is just a lot of working, but i enjoy this atmosphere and i'm sure i'd have time off. plus, i will have college loans to start paying off and need money for saving. i just thought this was the greatest addition. and then who knows what i would do when i got married.

well, tonight i've added more. so i think after a year or so out of college and not being married, living with a girl friend(nicole), or siblings would be grand. maybe i'd be married after a year or two. haha so then this great opportunity would come up. someone would need US to like take over the coffee shop, they still owned it but needed someone to completely take over because they couldn't anymore. (for unknown reasons). ha. we would live upstairs in the loft and i would teach. he could run the coffee shop during the day (act like the owner) and it could be like a ministry for us. i'm not saying he has to be a pastor of some type, but it could just be our ministry for however long. i would come back at night. i say this like i wouldn't need time to rest, but hopefully it would be a low-stress/relaxing place and i could work on lesson plans and grade papers and help out when needed. we could offer small group type things on certain week nights or during the day--one on one studies/disciple talks(classes) too possibly. maybe even join with a local church to have services on sunday mornings.

welp, THE END, for now. haha

this seems like a movie it's so perfect. sometimes i don't like when i daydream about things because they never happen like they went in the dream. this dream could be an idea for a good NON-cheesy christian film. haha but wouldn't it be awesome for this to actually happen. it would just take the perfect events and people to take place. how simple would that be? ha! well, we'll see where God takes me.

adios amigos

p.s. hope you got a few good laughs during this daydreaming explanation. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


great weekend in olathe. got to see so many friends. went to two shows. hang outs every night. sunday morning heard bean sing a offertory special. it was very good. i haven't heard him just sing in so long. (nice work bean!) then headed home at about 11:30.

i am getting quite attached to miss sophie and what do you know i'm gone for the next two weeks. it will be in humid hot orlando florida. i plan on getting a tan but with sunscreen. tonight markli and i made a wal-mart run for some face-wash and she needed toothpaste. mom needed creamer for her coffee. anyways, we passed the sunscreen. we don't have much, if any at home. and if we do it's old. (i don't know if age has anything to do with quality but didn't think it would hurt to get new. :) ) so we got some good aveeno face sunscreen with 70 spf. haha yes 70! i don't like a burnt face--it's the worst kind of burn. and then we just got some banana boat 30 spf. i just would rather slowly get a tan and i have two weeks to get one. i am still in need of new suit. mine right now looks like a life-guarding one but it's nike.

so the dog had to be put down on friday. i must say i was okay with it all. she seemed in pain quite a bit--if not all the time. it is weird though because over the years i became so used to her routine or just how she walked around the house. like every-time i closed the door behind me angel (dog) came in right behind me so i had to turn around and close the door again. i've caught myself a couple times doing that. OR, if i lay down on the floor she would always come over and see what i was doing. just those kinds of things. it's weird but a good thing. she was getting pretty bad.

today my great grandpa died. he was nearing 100, i think. he lived a great life. he was quite the farmer back in the day. he was also ready to go though. he was just holding on by the meds the doctors gave him. his funeral is saturday.

going to do some major reading tomorrow cause the book is due monday (the day we leave for general assembly). it's a huge book. then i need to go to the library for more books to read over the next two weeks. i just hope i'll be able to enjoy all of the relaxation time down there. and that i'll have enough to do otherwise. i know there are going to be several friends down there from everywhere. family will also be there.

i think i need chipotle some day for lunch this week.

alright, peace

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


it's been rainy and stormy several days this week and i am loving it--especially since i am inside all day. it's great and i wouldn't mind it like this everyday.

i've held up to my "no more chips and pop" this week and it will last the rest of this week. i just feel healthier and i like that.

just bought some new music. i don't want to share/"borrow" music much anymore. got some new ingrid michaelson, landon pigg, and the new ben folds and regina spektor song. giving it all a listen. liking it all.

going to olathe friday night. it will be a good but short visit and i have many people to visit.

haven't read much this week as of yet. i kind of go in spurts i guess. i started the newest of jodi picoult the other day. it's very good but sad. i just haven't opened it since then. maybe tomorrow.

in this new sunday school class and we are reading/discussing Praying God's Word by Beth Moore. seems to be very good and can't to really get into it.

gotta go switch some laundry so i have clothes this weekend. bye

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


7 1/2 weeks old
trying to hold out on eating so we cuddled for a bit. she's been taking 5-7 oz each feeding so she is sleeping for longer periods of time. which is good.

these are my new glasses. this is a terrible picture,
but wanted you to see the sides of them.

Monday, June 8, 2009


sherry tagged me to do this. i've never done one before. it got me thinking that's for sure.

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. going to KC this weekend for a show and get together with friends
2. general assembly/orlando
3. visiting the older siblings in their parts of the country
4. going back to olathe for the friends and school, i suppose
5. graduating from college
6. starting a teaching job - who knows where
7. traveling to new, unique places
8. starting a family someday

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Sunday School and Morning Service
2. Home for lunch
3. online counseling for TEACH grant
4. made a latte
5. read a book
6. evening service
7. kaldi's coffeehouse for some green mint tea
8. read some more

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. be able to run longer distances
2. pay for my school as i go without loans
3. take pictures more often
4. work in a coffee shop
5. be able to visit family more often
6. find bargains like Nana could
7. play the piano like Mom
8. be able to cook all the time

Eight Shows I Watch:
1. Today Show
2. The Office
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Amazing Wedding Cakes
5. What Not to Wear
6. Jimmy Fallon
7. Conan
8. SNL
thanks to summer nanny-ing. last three are hit and miss.

Eight Favorite Fruits:
1. honeycrisp apples
2. strawberries
3. watermelon
4. pineapple
5. grapefruit
6. peaches
7. bananas
8. acai berry/pomegranate

Eight Places to Visit:
1. Mount Vernon, Ohio - Family
2. Seattle/Olympia, Washington - Family
3. East Coast/ New Jersey - Family and for fun
4. Nashville/Franklin, Tennessee
5. Bakersfield, California (Don't remember much from when we moved. Fun to go back and see what it's like.)
6. Oregon
7. Colorado (any day)
8. Europe

Eight Places I've Lived:
1. Born in Bakersfield, CA
2. Emporia, KS
3. Independence, KS
4. Kirksville, MO
5. Columbia, MO
6. Olathe, KS
7. Seattle ? HA
8. Nashville ? HA

i tag nicole and beau/suzie. suzie, you could do one on bean's. :) and markli you just need to start a blog. or you could just comment your answers. something.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


wearing my new glasses right now. love them. i'll post a phot later i suppose.

watched new in town tonight. it was good. movies i'm looking forward to - the proposal and my sister's keeper. those will both be available to go see in theater during general assembly so i will be seeing them then with all of my free time. also, one that will be out a long time from now, the baster, has jennifer aniston and i think i want to see it. won't be out until 2010.

i've been reading several books lately and i really like the author kristin billerbeck. i can read her books so fast. i just started another jodi picoult book today though. it's called handle with care. it's her newest. really good so far and i'm maybe 30 pages into it. just hope it's this good all the way through. it's kind of sad though. my favorite of picoult's is still harvesting the heart.

think we are going to do some shopping tomorrow. go to tjmaxx and such but we have to drive to jefferson city for that. gap has been a good one for me lately. also check out the old navy there--it seems to have a bit of a different inventory than ours.

just realized general assembly really isn't that far away. just 2 more weeks.

so when i nanny every day i go over to their house. this is great for them, and i like it too. they have to good tv channels. ha :) we have the most basic of basic at our house--which is fine, but when i'm in a house all day the tv is bound to be on. they also don't have the healthiest of food. like no fruit, always have chips, just eat sandwiches most of the time with white wheat bread (which is makes no sense), and pop. i've decided i will not have any more chips after this week. we've never had more than tortilla chips at home. these ones are jalapeno doritos and regular doritos. this week they also got pringles. of course i had to try the jalapeno doritos. that's all i've tried and they are quite good not really that hot though. so they have diet coke. i don't like drinking that much pop. think i'll just have one a week, if that. i guess this was my paragraph for me to think out loud as i was typing. sorry. i'll go now. have a good weekend if i don't think of something else to share with you.

peace yos

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


weekend was great. everyone together. loved it.

work has been going great. she is a great baby. on fusses when she is hungry.

have to go to bed earlier. hard to get that part down--obviously. although, i get to take small naps whenever during the day, but i'd rather not so i can get real good sleep at night (when i'm supposed to). what a novel idea.

still reading. the last jodi picoult book i read was weird though, but decent.

not going to springfield this weekend like i thought. my friend, jourdain, ended up having to work every day this weekend. so it's postponed to i'm not sure when. hopefully soon though--i was so excited to go.

summer is going fast. not sure how i feel about this.

seems like i have more to tell but not sure what that would be anymore.

SEEya, 'til next time.