Wednesday, June 10, 2009


it's been rainy and stormy several days this week and i am loving it--especially since i am inside all day. it's great and i wouldn't mind it like this everyday.

i've held up to my "no more chips and pop" this week and it will last the rest of this week. i just feel healthier and i like that.

just bought some new music. i don't want to share/"borrow" music much anymore. got some new ingrid michaelson, landon pigg, and the new ben folds and regina spektor song. giving it all a listen. liking it all.

going to olathe friday night. it will be a good but short visit and i have many people to visit.

haven't read much this week as of yet. i kind of go in spurts i guess. i started the newest of jodi picoult the other day. it's very good but sad. i just haven't opened it since then. maybe tomorrow.

in this new sunday school class and we are reading/discussing Praying God's Word by Beth Moore. seems to be very good and can't to really get into it.

gotta go switch some laundry so i have clothes this weekend. bye

1 comment:

QuintessentiallyFeminine said...

I am bummed we couldn't run into each other this weekend :( I will keep you posted with the coffee shops as soon as i start. lol isn't the one in st. louis coming up? You won't be disappointed, it was such a phenomenal show to say the least. i'll post a few pics sometime! Well girly, keep it real ;) miss ya.