Tuesday, June 2, 2009


weekend was great. everyone together. loved it.

work has been going great. she is a great baby. on fusses when she is hungry.

have to go to bed earlier. hard to get that part down--obviously. although, i get to take small naps whenever during the day, but i'd rather not so i can get real good sleep at night (when i'm supposed to). what a novel idea.

still reading. the last jodi picoult book i read was weird though, but decent.

not going to springfield this weekend like i thought. my friend, jourdain, ended up having to work every day this weekend. so it's postponed to i'm not sure when. hopefully soon though--i was so excited to go.

summer is going fast. not sure how i feel about this.

seems like i have more to tell but not sure what that would be anymore.

SEEya, 'til next time.

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