Monday, May 18, 2009


well, it's been a blessed nazarene sunday. mom had us sing for offertory. then there was a potluck following the service. then tonight was missions night. we also had an ice cream social afterwards.

so i was kidding about being done babysitting the twin boys. i have one more day. we shall find more things to do.

the week after this next one i start my job as a nanny. her name is sophie. she is a little over a month old. can't wait. still wouldn't mind an evening job for a little extra cash. lets hope a coffee place calls soon.

going to general assembly for sure. listen to this--we are flying. this is like a monumental decision right here. we never fly anywhere. must say i can't wait.

might go to kirksville this week for a day and night. i have a couple warts again that need some attention. gross, i know. very annoying as well. but it will be good to see some people too. hope it all works out.

oh. coldplay has a free download. it's called LeftRightLeftRightLeft. it's a live album. i love it. you should get it and listen to it. GO HERE!

'bout it for tonight. you all should think about blogging again. i mean, i like to read--and i have extra time this week. so really, just feel free to type away about your interesting lives.



Sherry said...

i'm shocked about flying! Impressive

beau carlson said...

you should comment on my blog, I want your opinion. I also can't believe you are much for driving through Ohio to see your long lost siblings....just kidding. love you.