Wednesday, March 18, 2009


we have started winding down already. kind of nice i must admit. we have been going pretty much none stop. working hard.

so...showers this morning. ( i mention this because we don't get showers everyday, or every morning rather. i don't mind, but lots in this group do.) then came back for breakfast and quiet time. i have been wanting to blog about this for several days now and keep forgetting. i will tell you now. during my quiet time i listen to explosions in the sky. it. is. the. best. (luke, check them out. they are on the mac and church ipod. they are just good for background music, and for listening. just give em' a try. it's all instrumental.) after that we got started on our jobs around the church. another girl and i made the final touches to the air ducts. they are finished. others worked outside, replaces windows and lots more. then we had some lunch. then back to for a couple of hours to finish some jobs. i cleaned up all of the painting supplies. my hands were very prune-y.

then we changed clothes because the whole group was headed back to matthew's house for a barbecue. it was nice. there were 15 of us that went. several have gotten sick, so some stayed behind to rest. some played the a game of pepper, basketball, taboo, apples to apples, and yahtzee, some frisbee too. lindsey and i sat in a chair together watching the hilarious game of pepper. i did play some frisbee later. we brought hamburgers, hotdogs, chips. ya know, the usual. had a good time.

came back to the church to play a game of stoned. it's an intense game of horse. and, i won. then we came inside to fill some plastic easter eggs with a piece of candy and put a sticker and info card on the egg. they are for canvassing the close neighborhoods. after that some had their jobs to finish. i decided to just relax. i maybe should have been doing something, but no one ever said they needed me and taylor walked by several times. so i think i'm okay.

we have to be at habitat for humanity by 7 tomorrow morning; so we are going to bed early tonight. not sure if we'll have debriefing tonight but i wouldn't mind. but that's been today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

two novels in a row!! greatttttttt! GET TO SEE YA SOON!