Saturday, January 31, 2009


today i woke up later cause i went to bed late(cause i couldn't fall asleep right away after falling asleep watching a movie).  got ready and hung out with amanda.  we went to target and the mall.  it was great fun.

i burnt my finger really bad today.  it blistered immediately.  still hurts and it's a little hard to type this post.  no big deal.

when i got back stacy called me and we finally got to catch up.  then i re-watched the part of the movie i fell asleep during.  my plans for the evening are great:  
-call sherry
-take free redbox back
-go work out
-shower and get ready for another night of movie and coffee(this time in my room)

think i'm going to try a new church in the morning.  haven't found one that i love.  but i haven't decided yet where i'll go.  i'll look stuff up later.


oh p.s. if anyone has any ideas about a better title thing or URL i'm open. these are kinda lame.  i mean i like them, but i want something more unique and i can't ever think of anything unique.

1 comment:

Cabe said...

Just use your name. That's unique enough, I think.